 | Beyond Feelings

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"You know our birthday is coming up in twenty days, right?" Zahmir asked as Nahmir sits on the couch, lounging.

"Yeah, why?" he asked, bluntly. Zahmir rolls his eyes. He hated when Nahmir gets into a nonchalant, blunt mood. He knew something pissed him off.

"Nigga, what got into yo' drawls today? Damn," Zahmir said.

"The fuck you mean? Ain't nothing wrong with me, the fuck," Nahmir said, resting his head in the palm of his hand.

"Something wrong wit' you because you only talk like that when yo' ass is mad. What you mad about?" Zahmir heard straight through his lies.

"...I feel like they hidin' somethin'," Nahmir said.

"Who? Cela and Zuzi?"

"Man, yeah," Nahmir said, adjust his elbow on the arm of the couch, "I mean Pecela a fuckin' Crip-"

"Wait, wait, wait a minute; A WHAT?!" Zahmir exclaimed, "Don't you know how much trouble we can get ourselves into if we were found hanging with the enemy?! When did you find this out?"

"When the incident happened at school with you. I didn't pay no mind to her being a Crip-"


"You acting like we gone die!"

" 'Cause maybe that's a factor of what might happen!"

"Well shit, Zahmir! Calvin doesn't know about us hanging with them!" Nahmir says.

"What if her people knows?! What if that's why Calvin's warehouse got shot up because of Pecela 'nem?!" Zahmir yells, "We could be dead already and wouldn't even fuckin' know it."

Nahmir tucked his lips in as he knew his brother was in fact, right, "We need answers from them-"

Four knocks on the front door was heard. That was unusual, no one never knocks unless they ordered out, and Calvin has a key. They never had visitors.

They looked at eachother, grabbing their glocks and slowly heading to the door together. Once they opened the door, they pointed their guns at the person with them tilted to the side, seeing it was Pecela and Zuziumi. Zuziumi yelped, stepping backwards, almost falling. Pecela was wide eyed.

"Oh shit, our bad," they put the weapons on safety and threw them in the bin where they kept sports balls in.

"Hey, y'all," Pecela greeted, while Zuziumi was still traumatized.

"What's good, come in," Zahmir let them in, hesitatingly. Nahmir just walked up to his room. After they were in, he looked around the surroundings outside and closed the door.

"I hope y'all didn't walk out here," Zahmir said to Pecela as Zuziumi walked upstairs, attempting to find Nahmir.

"Naw, we took a taxi."

Zuziumi looked through the many rooms and found the one with Nahmir's name graffitied on the door with animé, dragon ball Z, and naruto characters. She knocked first before opening the door.

She found him sitting on his bed. He wore a red t-shirt, light denim biker jeans, and red and white jordan retros. His dreads covered his face as he looked down at a memo pad, holding a ink pen.

She looked around his room, in which she's never been in before. His room was quite colorful, unlike she had imagined. Just the same as his door, animé characters and such covered the white walls. The rest of the furniture was black, red, or navy blue.

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