 | Hesitation & A Free Day

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Zahmir groans as he get out of bed, still wearing his clothes from yesterday. All he felt was pain on his chest from Taymor hitting with a textbook.

He lifts his shirt to see multiple briuses on his chest. His lips was swollen from the cut inside his lips. He stares at the wall as he began to be furious.

He feels something sticking to his face, he touched it and winced. When he'd try to pull the bandage, the cut beneath it stretched.

Opening red curtains, but closing the blinds, he waltz into his bathroom and showered.

When he was out, he lotioned himself and slides on his under garments and places on a navy blue Champion cotton t-shirt, with the matching shorts. He tied his dreads into a ponytail, yawning. Going into his closet, he found his navy blue nike AF1s.

Sitting back on his bed, he turns on the 64' tv that was mounted on his wall. He heard someone walking up the stairs as he muted the tv. Pecela stood at his door, not stepping a foot into his room. She wore different clothes from yesterday. Today she wore denim skinny jeans, a white spaghetti strap tank top, and white Fila's. Her burgundy dyed hair was in a bun with her baby hairs sticking out.

He had mistaken her for Zuziumi, but Zuziumi didn't have burgundy hair.

"Zuziumi?" he says as Pecela chuckles. He looked at her confused, why was she laughing?

"No, I'm her twin, Pecela," she smiled a toothless smile as she crossed her arms, leaning against the door, "Nahmir told me to come check on you. Him and Zuziumi went to get food from Burger King. Anyways, how are you feeling?"

"I'm ight, I guess. I just don't remember how I got here," Zahmir says still taking in the fact Zuziumi was a twin; this was all a coincidence.

"You fainted in the hallway at school. We seen you in the hall, so we decided to help you. We didn't want you to be snatched since you guys have sort of a high profile and all," Pecela explains, uncrossing her arms, "Can I sit with you?"

"Y-yeah, you can," Zahmir says sliding over on his bed. He watched as she struts towards the bed and sit next to him. He mentally face palmed, he didn't have to stutter. Her presence within his was suffocating. Pecela was like a more bolder, confident, more talkative Zuziumi. He didn't really represent darkskin girl's, but damn, she was making him go there.

"Watch you watchin'?" she asked, causing Zahmir to get out of his trance.

"Um, shit. Ion know," he turned his attention to the tv.

"Is this Stranger Things? I love this series! Mike and Eleven are so cute!" Pecela gushed. She started watching Stranger Things when Zuziumi was watching it some time ago.

Zahmir and Pecela watched it together before Pecela said, "You know what happened to you yesterday?"

"I got into a fight with a boy. He was talking shit behind my back so I knocked his ass out. He was trying to beat the life outta me with a textbook, but I snatched the shit and threw it at his long neck ass. I think I drawn blood, but it wasn't intentional," Zahmir explains as he thrown the Roku remote behind him.

"Damn. Who was it?"

"Taymor," he growls at the thought of his name. Pecela jumped at the tone of his voice and the way his mood changed.

Pecela hesitates, "Taymor as in... Tay K?" she gulps.


If he finds out that Zuziumi and I is hanging with the enemy, he'll snitch and our ass is grass, Pecela thought, we have to stay lowkey.

Zahmir looks at Pecela suspiciously as she fidget with her fingers, "What's wrong?"

"N-nothin'," she answered as the front door opened downstairs, them both hear laughter.

Zahmir and Pecela walked downstairs into the kitchen seeing Zuziumi and Nahmir. Nahmir had the same outfit on, but it was heather gray.

Nahmir was laughing along with Zuziumi, feeling joy. Zahmir smiled at the scene of his twin brother feeling joy instead of being sad. He knew about Nahmir being depressed and using weed to cope. Though he didn't show it on the outside, but the inside was all time sadness.

"Y'all got my chicken salad?!" Pecela ran towards them.

"Fat ass," Nahmir joked. Him and Pecela had gotten close every since last night and this morning. It was like she was a friend. Nahmir barely let anyone in.

"Shut up," she laughs as Zuziumi laughs with her.

Nahmir smiles, showing his braces, turning around seeing Zahmir, "Hey, bro, you feelin' better?"

"Yeah, I'm ight," Zahmir says.

"Can you teach me how to play GTA? Zuziumi kept talking about it and I wanna know the hype about it," Pecela asks Zahmir.

"Yeah, come on," Zahmir beckons her to the livingroom. She follows.

"Do y'all want y'all food?!" Nahmir yells from the kitchen.

"Yeah!" they both yelled back.


Zaw•Meer or Zah•Meer | Zahmir
Naw•Meer or Nah•Meer | Nahmir
soo•see•Um•E | Zuziumi
Peh•see•lah | Pecela
Cal•vinn | Calvin
Tay•mwore \ Tay•Kay | Taymor/ Tay K



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