 | Who To Blame

Start from the beginning

Zahmir looked at his twin brother, horridly, as Nahmir had given the same look. They listened for more information and they couldn't believe their ears on what Calvin said next.


Now, Calvin, Calvin was a cold hearted muh'fucka who didn't care about no one, but himself. He wasn't about to let everything he built crash down because his stepsons did something that would put their lives in hectics way, nope. He didn't care for them as much as he cared for his empire.

By this time, the twin boy's knew it was time to bounce and find Pecela and Zuziumi. Right now, they was all in some sort of trouble that'll cost their life. Being owned by someone isn't great at all.

Zahmir dramatically slapped his hands to his face, trying to calm himself down, but it wasn't working. He breathed heavily as he began to feel lightheaded. Nahmir noticed as he quickly went to comfort him. He was having a semi panick attack. Too many emotions were crashing in on him.

"Calm down, bro. It'll be ight," Nahmir whispers and he hugged his brother. Though Zahmir showed his anger and sadness on the outside, Nahmir showed it within.

"What're we gone do, man?" Zahmir says as he rubs his temples.

"Need to find Pecela 'nem," Nahmir said as Zahmir looks at him, crazily.

"No! They're the ones who got us in this situation we're in now!" Zahmir whispers loudy. Zahmir had bipolar feelings about the girl's. He thought it was their fault that their lives are going downhill, "Maybe if you never saved Zuziumi... we wouldn't be here."

Nahmir glared at his brother, feeling his anger rise, "Stop being so fuckin' selfish. If it wasn't for them, we'd still be in our boring lives doing dirty work for Calvin's buck toothed lookin' ass. Haven't you noticed he hasn't been askin' us to do much lately?"

"Doesn't matter, we're all at a stake of being owned or killed. Someone's probably been watching us from a distance, but didn't say anything. They wanna see us fall and die."

Nahmir stares at him for the longest time, "You know what; I'm packing my shit and I'm gone. Stay here if you want."

He left the room, going to his. He started going through his drawers, grabbing clothes, folding them in a black Nike duffle bag. He grabbed the shoes that were most expensive, placing them into their shoebox. He tucked his chain into his hoodie while doing so.

"So you're really goin'?" Zahmir asks.

"Man, yeah. You think I'm gone sit here and let them find them first? And then we get snatched up, too? Fuck that shit, they done got the whole game fucked up," Nahmir said, lifting his mattress, finding his black drawstring sack.

Zahmir watches as Nahmir packs up his things.

Nahmir sighed, "Are you coming with me or not?" he really didn't want to leave the only sibling he had left, since one died and the other gotten took into a prostitution slave trade a while back, but that's another story for a different day.

"...Yeah," Zahmir says as he went to tend to his own things.

Nahmir walked into his bathroom, grabbing his body wash and other hygienic products.

He heard multiple footsteps go downstairs, but a pair stayed.

Calvin looked into Nahmir's room, seeing him clearing his bathroom.

"What you doin', son?" Calvin asked as he ignored him, "I said, what you doin'?"

Nahmir still ignored him. Calvin grabs his shoulder, forcefully turning him around, "I know you hear me talkin' to you! You ain't deaf!"

"Nigga, I might be."

Calvin looked at him, surprised, "Oh! Oh, so we talkin' back now, huh? Put that shit down."

He smacked the gel out Nahmir's hand. It fell to the ground, the thick gel substance splattered onto the bathroom tiles. Nahmir stares at his used to be gel as Calvin glared at him.

"I don't know what got into y'all boys thinkin' y'all all 'bout it, 'bout it, but y'all better stop that shit!" Calvin yelled in his face.

"Back the fuck outta my face, bitch!" once Nahmir said that, he was backhanded by Calvin, sending him to the wall of the bathroom. He fumes as he felt his face began to be fire hot.

He sucker punched Calvin in the nose, causing him to stumble back. Zahmir heard the commotion causing him to run into the room. Once he saw Calvin lay a hand on Nahmir, he'd gotten vexed and helped Nahmir jump him.

After a while of them double teaming, they got up heaving, catching their breath as they looked at Calvin's bruised body. All the pain he caused them, reflected back onto himself. Zahmir kicks him in the face one more time before saying, "You don't know how long I waited for the moment to beat his ass."

They trashed the whole house, they bursted the tv's, windows, the mahogany table, everything before leaving the permises in their own vehicles with no trace.


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