Curiosity Screwed The...skunk For Rosvo.

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  Curiosity screwed the... skunk?

"Ugh, remind me again, why did I let you bring me here?" Kas asked her friend, Sara. The busty blonde turned to her with a smile, and a sparkle in her grey eyes.
"Because there could be some cool stuff here." Sara explained, rocking on her feet and causing her breasts to rise and fall.
"Doubtful. This place looks ancient."

The building hadn't offered much hope of adventure. It was grey and square, with no colour except the usual graffiti that was constantly scrawled across places such as this. A few windows were broken, and the whole site smelt of dust and mould, every step sending particles into Kas' face. Despite all this, Sara had decided to go on an adventure, and had dragged her friend along with her.

Switching on her flashlight, Kas looked around the inside of the building, whilst Sara climbed through a broken window behind her. The light flashed around, reflecting off of metal filing cabinets, their drawers empty. A few boxes were scattered around, and here and there a piece of paper lay gathering dust.

"Ow. Bastard." Sara hissed as a shard of broken glass sliced her thumb. She stuck it into her mouth, wincing in pain. Kas turned to her and laughed a little.
"It's a window, it has no feelings." She explained with a grin. Her friend looked at her, before removing her thumb.
"Stop being pedantic and let's explore." Sara replied.

A few moments later, they were strolling across a walkway that hung between two sides of a large room. Sara went first, shining a torch around with interest. Kas followed her, partly so she would be in less danger, but mostly because of her friend's swaying ass. She smiled to herself, and closed her eyes in thought. She did not notice the rivet protruding from the ground.

Within seconds, she was flat on her face with Sara laughing heartily at her. The brunette blushed heavily at her own accident, and she got onto her hands and knees and got up. Her eyes spotted a small scrap of paper on the floor, and she picked it up with interest.

"What you got there, Kas?" Sara asked. She leaned in, her breasts pressing close to Kas' as she read the scrap aloud. "Experiment #234... Great results... accident... valuable." Her eyes flashed wide at the last word. She looked excitedly at Kas, who looked back. Without a word, she took off towards the other end of the walkway.

"Hey Sara, Wait up!" Kas called out to her. Her own voice echoed back to her, and she looked around herself. Her light had fallen off the walkway and out of sight when she fell, and Sara was obviously on the hunt for treasure, leaving Kas in the dark.

"Okay Kas... Deep breaths..." She told herself. She willed herself to walk, one step at a time. She continued to talk softly to herself, trying not to notice the huge drops on either side of herself. Step by step, and using the guardrail, she made her way slowly across the walkway.

Behind her, something banged. She looked around quickly, but the darkness failed to show her anything. She began to walk a little faster. Another bang, this time closer. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she stopped, frozen in fear. There was a small groaning, that sounded right below her.

She unfroze, and began running with all her might. She didn't care about the drops on either side of her anymore. Her heart was beating with all its might, and her lungs where hurting from the dust in the air. Still, she ran. Her brain shouted run, and her legs obeyed. Her ankle, still slightly hurt from the fall, burnt in pain with every step, but still she kept going.

She glanced behind her, hoping to catch a glimpse at whatever had scared her. She continued running, and as she did, her eyes began making shapes out of nothing. A tooth, a claw, a tail. She didn't know what was real or fake. She just knew she was scared. And that was when she fell off the walkway.

She didn't notice the rusted guardrail, or the turn. She didn't see the weakened bolts or the holes in the metal. She only heard the thud as her body struck the rail, and she felt the aching pain as the metal snapped painfully against her waist. She felt a brief moment of weightlessness, before it gave in to the terror as she began to fall.

She was screaming at the top of her lungs, her lungs still working hard. Her heart burned like hellfire, as she fell. As she did, she prayed for a soft landing, something, and anything to break her fall and save her from death by hard ground. Her eyes caught flashes of the scene around herself, and she barely noticed the vat of liquid as she landed straight into it.

The liquid gave way under her weight, but quickly covered her. It was more of a gel, thick and black as she struggled to swim in it. It flowed down her mouth slightly, and she tried to spit it out. However, the liquid appeared to fight back and her eyes widened at it. She looked at her arms, and in the low lighting she could see they were covered in a thin black substance.

Her flailing hands grabbed hold of a ladder and the brunette grabbed a hold of it with both hands, gripping on for all her life. Slowly, she felt the liquid relax, and release its grip on her. It was now that she realised she was still screaming for dear life, and she stopped. Her heart and lungs ached, and there was a strange pain in her tonsils. Her ankle was throbbing, as was her waist where the bar had snapped.

Suddenly, there was a bright light. Kas was blinded momentarily, and she covered her eyes. Slowly, her vision returned and she began trying to pull herself out of the liquid. Slowly, but surely, she eased herself out of the vat of chemical. She let out a sigh of relief, before looking at herself in a nearby monitor. She gasped, biting her tongue to prevent another scream escaping.

Looking back at her was a dripping skunk-girl! Black material covered Kas' entire body, and it reflected the light. She pinched at it, wincing in pain as she pinched her skin. A long black tail stuck out from her ass, and a white stripe travelled all the way down her back.
"What the hell is this stuff?!" She shouted in confusion. She didn't expect the answer.
"Don't worry child... I'm not going to hurt you..." Said a voice. She glanced around in fear, but saw nobody.
"Where are you?!" She demanded. There was a soft chuckling.
"Dear girl. I'm in your head. Or rather, our head..." The voice said.

"What do you want with me?!" Kas shouted. The voice answered with a voice as smooth as the material.
"I want what you want... to relax... doesn't it feel good to relax..?" It said. Kas found herself nodding slowly.
"H-huh? N-no, I-..." She began, before being interrupted.
"So good to relax... and let yourself feel so free... and letting it all free" The voice said. She nodded slowly again, and relaxed. Instantly, she felt a lot better.

"Doesn't it feel good..? So good to relax and obey..."The voice said.
"Y-yes... Relax... and... and obey..?" Kas repeated to herself. A small surge of pleasure rippled through her.
"Yes... so good to relax and obey... and let yourself be guided..." The voice said. Kas nodded again, letting the pleasure flow through her body. Unaware, her arms moved towards her lips. The massaged the area around them, before slipping her inky black fingers in and out. Already wet from the pleasure, she was soon dripping onto the floor.

"Good girl... letting no thoughts into your mind. Such a nice feeling... you want to do this forever..." The voice said. Kas nodded, smiling as the voice continued to feed her smooth, soft commands. Meanwhile, a busty blonde figure stood on the walkway, her grey eyes watching the scene intently.
"And my payment?" She looked towards a shadowy figure of a man. There was a small click.

"You've served us well enough, agent Sara." He said, as a gun fired. The bullet caught the blonde in the shoulder, and she toppled backwards into the vat of liquid. The man smiled cruelly to himself, before raising a portable radio to his ear.

"Subject Kas and Sara secured."  

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