Dobengal rushed forward, too fast for Natsu to keep track of him all the way- but not fast enough he wasn't able to easily dodge out of the way of the punches the Saber man started to thrown his way.

"My beef isn't with you, pal!!! Out of my way!!!!"

Natsu swung around, flames bursting up from the floor and spiraling through the air as he swung his elbow out, his weight thrown into Dobengal with a thundering boom- the man thrown away to smash into the wall hard enough it caved- his body barely missing Sting by a few inches, the air rushing up to slam into his face and snatch his breath away.

H... holy.... shit....

"H-he just took out one of the toughest guys in the Guild... like it was nothing....!" Lector stammered, fur on end and eyes wide.

"Tch.... you have spirit, pest." Jiemma growled, "Sting, Rogue- take care of this insolent little fool!"

Rogue and Sting both jumped slightly at the icy order, their eyes narrowing as they tensed.

"Right, Master!"

"Quit hiding behind your lackeys!!" Natsu roared, his eyes snapping from Jiemma as Rogue and Sting charged. "Tch... this guy doesn't give a damn about any of you!" Natsu snapped, jumping backward to avoid the throw Sting sent his way, "How can you stand listening to the asshole who did something like that to your friend?!"

"He's our Master, it's our job to listen and do as he orders." Sting growled,

"You have no sense of authority, Salamander." Rogue hissed, Natsu shook his head, fangs bared and seething.

"Don't give me that crap!!" He roared, fire washing out through the air toward them- both Sting and Rogue jumping to avoid it, bringing themselves behind Natsu- who spun around, eyes blazing. "She keeps defending you assholes! Why the hell is she willing to defend you, after all the shit that's gone on?!"

They blinked, sweatdropping- before splitting apart to avoid the flames that rushed toward them next,

"She said she'd defend you, no matter what happened! She's defending you still even through all that shit this bastard's put her through!!" Rogue swung out, his fists encased in Shadow as he struck out toward Natsu- only to get knocked away, skidding backward on his feet and hissing.

What the hell... is he...?!

"She's willing to defend you even when you've sat back and watched her get hurt, why?! Why is she willing to take the blame for all of you?! Why the hell does she keep saying it's her fault?!" Sting hissed, ducking under Natsu's flaming fist as the pinkette missed him by barely an inch- his heart skipping a beat when Natsu's eyes locked with his, seething, searching-


"Why does she think it's all on her, huh?! Why does she think she has to fix this?!" Natsu snarled, Sting felt a bead of sweat fall down his back.

He... he can't be.. right..?

"Why does she think it's up to her all on her own?!"

Rogue felt a shiver run up his spine, both his mind and Sting's racing- Lector and Frosch standing still, their fur all on end.

He's... he's not talking about Yukino.... is he...?!

Sting rolled backward, barely avoiding Natsu's leg as he swung it up- a wall of bright white springing between them as the flames clashed against it with a deafening boom.

No... he's gotta be....!

He's talking about Horatia!

"And what does this asshole have on her, huh?!" Natsu roared, "Are you all really too afraid of him?! What could possibly be keeping any of you from fighting back?! What's he hanging over her head that's so bad she won't tell you?!"

Slain Among Ice And Fire {Fairy Tail}Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα