Chapter 10- Jeihel

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Chapter 10

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's, Magic I create, and my own original Ideas


She couldn't see the color of her skin under the pitch, jagged black that covered every inch of it. The black stretched up her hands, her arms, she could feel it's heat as it crawled up her neck, curling over her jaw and just under her eye, too hot, burning like an inferno- and yet it didn't hurt, she couldn't feel it... she couldn't feel anything, she was numb, emotionless.


She was scratching at the walls, jerking at the chains that kept her pinned under what insane fire was clouding her senses, she saw the blood, red bursting brightly against the black.... so much of the crimson liquid, it was everywhere, and it wasn't hers.

She was screaming, begging and pleading- she had to get herself under control, what part of herself that hadn't been swallowed up by that darkness was bound and helpless in some small, deep, faraway section of her soul- too far away to stop herself... to stop herself from what murder and slaughter she was committing.

Kill, maim, burn... burn it all to the ground, every last soul, every last fiber of what was living, breathing. She was numb to it, even relished in it- the screams, the terror, the pain-

Stop it!

She couldn't make it past the burning dark, she couldn't settle those murderous flames, she was losing herself... she had already lost.

She had finally... turned into it.... a monster



Hora stifled the panicked gasp she nearly let loose, her eyes snapping open to see the night sky overhead, the sound of the wind whistled through the grass and the sparse few trees, the call of some nocturnal creature sounded from far off.... it was quiet.

She sat up quickly, her hands moving in front of her as she stared down at them, her eyes shinning and no small shred of relief falling over her heart when she saw the tan color of her skin, and not the stained, tar-black and blood.

Her hand's clenched, pressing them against her chest as her head bowed, her teeth gritting and eyes shut tight. She felt a small twinge of pain run through her core, and sorely hoped she wouldn't end up coughing because of it.

... damn it..... those dreams again... I haven't had them in so long..... fuck....

'Calm down.' The voice murmured lowly, she felt a flash of sheer rage run through her in that next instant though.

Shut the hell up, you're no goddamn help, you don't get to tell me to calm down!

'.... the night air is cool, there is no fire.' It pressed, regardless of her snapping at it. Hora sweatdropped, her eyes narrowed to slits as her eyes landed on the grass, shining silver in the moonlight overhead.

'... You understand why the dreams have come again, don't you?' It asked slowly, calmly. Hora stiffened, her jaw clenching.

'You can feel it... smell it... it's getting closer.'

She shook her head furiously, ignoring it now completely and not giving the satisfaction if it were to say anything again. She didn't have the patience... not right now.

Her eyes moved sideways, smiling softly when she spotted Lucy, Natsu, and Happy laying out on the grass together- Lucy tucked away in her sleeping bag while Natsu and Happy invaded her space in their sleep, but the blonde didn't wake up... In fact Hora saw small wisps of a smile on her face instead. She let out a low breath, her panic falling as she looked toward them, before turning away and getting to her feet quietly.

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