Chapter 12- Golden Azure

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Chapter 12
Golden Azure

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's, Magic I create, and my own original Ideas


She didn't notice it, not what he had. She hadn't felt anything, not the slightest sense of anything racing toward her nor the immediate danger. For all her perception and her rather incredible reflexes and instincts- she didn't see it coming. Where she had been on par with Natsu when it came to sensing danger seconds before, this time she didn't sense it.

But he did, and not fast enough.

Pain flared through her body like flame, her eyes snapping away from him and toward that glitter of scarlet that suddenly painted the air in front of her.

The scent of blood hit her nose, and it was hers.



She took a few short steps to catch herself, suddenly off balance and the breath catching in her throat as her gaze followed those drops of crimson through the air behind her, watching them splatter against the stone at her feet.

Natsu's onyx gaze flashed, face pulled into a slightly panicked frown from where he was- Hora bumping into his chest after having had him pull her roughly forward toward him. One of his hands held tightly around her wrist while the other instinctively moved to hold her hip as she ran into him, stiffening when he heard Hora hiss under her breath.

That glint of light that had caught his attention belonged to a long, sharp blade that had been thrown her way out of near nowhere. That wicked edge caught her shoulder-blade and the top of her back as Natsu pulled her toward him, sparing her getting stabbed, but a deep, angry red line cut across her shoulder blade, back, and over her spine- tearing a line through her shirt, skin and muscle with ease.

Hora growled, her eyes flashing in pain as her head turned around slightly, seeing a few more drops hit the ground at her feet and feeling the slick warmth of her own blood begin to trail down her back nearly instantly.

"H-Hora?!" Lucy and Happy gasped, eyes wide and glittering. Their gaze snapped quickly between Hora and that blade that had struck into the stone not a few feet from where she and Natsu were. Hora's eyes weren't on them though, nor was she looking toward that Fire Dragon Slayer who had grabbed hold of her. Her head turned to try and glace over her shoulder toward that wound, sweatdropping heavily as the sensation of fire over her skin flared brighter, and the black markings encasing her arm leapt forward at an accelerated rate, spreading up her shoulder and across her back to encase where the wound was now, leaving the pain and an icy burning sensation that was less pleasant than normal. Steam rose up from the wound a few moments, though it didn't close despite the markings attempting to do so, Hora swallowed.

".... Shit...." She hissed lowly, wincing slightly in between.

"Tch...." Natsu hissed, "You alright?" Hora nodded slightly, her eyes skipping over him as she glanced toward the blade. His eyes flicked from her face to glance over her shoulder slightly, swallowing as his eyes traced the wound and the considerable amount of blood beginning to fall from it,

Hora's eyes snapped toward him while he wasn't looking, and she halted- the breath catching in her throat and eyes flashing as her heart jumped in her chest.

W-what.... what the hell is with... N..Natsu....?

She paled slightly, her mind crumbling and failing to come up with any answer to what she saw as she looked at him- really looked at him, for the first time, and only for a split second did it remain.

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