Chapter 2- I Wish....

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Chapter 2

I Wish....

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's and Ideas


"Worthless rat!!!" Master boomed, grabbing Horatia from her hair and tossing her across the building to smash into a wall easily, as if she was nothing more than a doll.

Horatia yelled out in pain as she hit the wall, hitting the floor again with a loud thud. She looked toward the looming figure of Jiemma from her humiliating position on the floor, too stunned and beaten to fight back- not that fighting him would do her any good. She knew better, for her... It was best to accept the beating, instead of giving him reason and incentive to go ahead and kill her.

... Being as mad as he was, he may just do that...

Minerva smirked from where she sat casually upon the balcany overhead, watching the scene with sickening amusement. Everyone else in the building stood back from the two, all silent and tense, standing in uniform rows on orders from Master, watching with horror and fear- they wanted to look away, but knew doing so may anger the Master further. He did like making the other Members watch punishment, it kept them in line. Kept them afraid to stand up and fight back against his cruelty.

And what deserved her this? This torture? She helped another Guild, one down on their luck. She helped locate a number of lost people and eventually allow them to be returned ri the people they loved the most... And innreturn, she was being beaten so brutally, because Master thought it was weak to help anyone so weak and helpless in his eyes.

Kindness of a stranger... The need to return four Slayers to the world.... Because she believed Balance need be restored... That cost her this.

"How dare you submit like that?!" The man yelled, she hissed at the pain, eyes scrunched closed against it. "No SaberTooth Mage submits to helping weak pathetic Wizards!!" His massive foot came down on top of the young woman harshly, making the floor under her cave in. A sickening crack echoed from her already beaten body around the hall, causing the onlookers to sweatdrop and even flinch.

This time, Horatia kept her mouth shut, unwilling to show the pain, though it was clearly visible in her blue gaze. Master had always been brutal.... But this was extreme, and the Members of the Guild knew it. Master had always been harsh with Horatia of all people, though they were never sure why...

"We are the strongest Guild in all of Fiore! What you have done is an insult to this Guild!!!" His foot repeatedly came down upon her, each time harder, and each time getting harder for Horatia to keep herself quite.

Since she had been sent here by Minerva, Jiemma had continued to beat her bloody, in the most harsh way he could muster- and Horatia only endured it, knowing better than to fight back. To fight back was quite frankly suicide- everyone in the Guild knew that the Master would not take kindly to the resistance of anyone, and they feared the consequences. Horatia knew the severity of the consequences all too well, and wouldn't dare push her luck more than she already had.

She hated that she couldn't do anything...

"Even worse, to go behind my back and do as you please?!" In a blast of Magic, Horatia was launched into the air to smash into the ground, her body bouncing off the stone painfully. "Who do you think you are?!!!!!"

Master's anger boiled over as he began to hit Horatia with an insane amount of Magic- the likes of which shook the air, buffeting the watching members, the blasts hitting her relentlessly for what seemed like forever. In the beginning she didn't make a noise, but soon the power behind the attacks increased and her yells of pain ripped through the heart of everyone watching, many of them shut their eyes, their hearts dropping and bodies tensing.

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