Chapter 36- Still Here

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Chapter 36

Still Here

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's and Ideas


"... Sleep..."

Hora blinked slowly, the lingering remnants of Lixue's voice trailing after her even as he, and that vast ice-filled space was pulled away from her, and she got dropped in the waking world. Above her that roof from before was lighter, pale white and yellow light sneaking it's way passed the curtains, and completely quiet.

Like all times before it (of that she could clearly recall anyway), she felt heavy, a little dizzy and faint, and her body hurt- but this time at least, she could breathe much better, and the weight of her body wasn't all that bad... hell, she felt she might have even been able to sit up without it being ridiculously difficult doing just that simple thing.

She took in a slow, deep breath, her eyes falling closed again for half a second when she reached the limit of how much she could inhale before it hurt too much- and then she let the breath back out as slow as she had taken it in. It wasn't a huge breath by any means, but it was much bigger than what she'd managed before now, or really probably should have been able to manage just then, so she couldn't complain. And of course, the ache and sharp pain in her lungs that was common of Over-Drive was still there, but again- it wasn't bad, and it should have been.

... so that being said... why do I feel better than I really have any right to...?

She blinked her eyes open again, shifting slightly as she pulled her hands up and in front of her, tracing along the white lines of bandages wound about her hands, and surely there to cover the slices worn into her flesh from grabbing Callan's claws. She couldn't see the wounds themselves, but they hurt less, so she figured they were mostly closed now. There was also distinct lack of bandages that had been wound up her arms too- those slices and such they would have been covering now pink and white lines of their own, and only just healed and near gone, leaving only her hands still covered up.

... okay... that's... fast...?

Well, 'fast-ish' I guess. I don't know-

Hora's thoughts broke off, her eyes widening a little and instantly alert to the gentle laying of someone's hand on her right shoulder. Her attention on her hands failed and she looked that way quickly, dark blue eyes glinting in the low-light to find Rufus sitting there at the side of the bed, one hand holding a book open and the other being the one to find her shoulder. He was more dressed down than was usual for him, long blonde hair braided down his back and smiling faintly as their eyes matched, and her gave her shoulder a gentle pat.

"... Welcome back, Horatia." Rufus murmured softly, dipping his head slightly to her and his other hand closing the book he was holding with a soft tap. He set the book down in his lap and turned in his seat to face her more directly, his hand moving back from her shoulder and folding with the other in his lap atop the book- still smiling softly all the while and Hora blinked once, a little surprised still. "How are you feeling?" Rufus asked gently and Hora blinked one more time, before swallowing a little and giving him a small nod.

"Mostly okay... and better than I probably should be..." She mumbled, her voice rough to start and forcing her to break off and clear her throat a bit, her eyes shutting against the grating sensation. She forced a breath after doing so, sighing a little and her hand moving up to push her hair back from her face wearily, before glancing back his way, blue eyes flashing. "... How long have I been out...?" She asked slowly and his smile faded a little, a small breath of his own escaping him and betraying the exhaustion and concern in his eyes that he otherwise kept hidden rather well.

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