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we lie on the ground for a good 30 minutes. we talked about the end of sophomore year coming close, and it soon got into talking about why we weren't such great friends before the project. he just didn't like the way i treated him like a kid. i didn't realize that i was. 
"this is the last full month of the school year," i told him. "we're gonna be juniors next year."
"i can see that."
"so can we start over next year?" i asked him. he thought about it for a while. but he came to a conclusion. "yes, we can." i am so happy. ever since 5th grade, i wanted to be his friend. he seemed so intimidating; i didn't have guts to talk to him. i made the right move. 

"how about we practice the dance before we sleep?" he suggested. i said, "ok," and we went to brush our teeth. tHEN we practiced. it consists of a lot of moving to the left and right and hand movements and at one point i pick jihoon up when it's his turn and him getting on my back. it was simple but to him it was like a whole exercise. he even said so himself. 
"o-ok...so...how .... are we going....to st...art the music video?"he asked.
"i didn't even think of that."
"i don't know." i gave him my water bottle and he chugged the whole thing. wow.

"i don't think we can afford a high quality music video. maybe we can do it at a park or something."
"may..be we could," he replied. "i'm..so tired. i'm going to sleep. night." he got on the bed and slept right at the edge and facing the wall. "you face the other way. i don't want to look at you when i sleep."
"ok, dude. good night, jihoon."

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