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the bell rang. "does the week have to be over already?" i complained.
"i thought you want it to be over," seokmin
"not when i have to work with the world's most annoying partner."
"give him a break. i think he just likes you."
"he's a really cook guy. give him a chance."
"not unless he changes."

"jihoon!" soonyoung called. he was speed-walking towards me. 
"can we walk to your place? it's not that far away from the school."
"fine." thank god my house is only across from the school. it would've been awkward if it was farther away. awkward + my hate for him = me losing my shit. i didn't get to tell my mom about him coming over. i'm sure she'll understand. 

"hey, sweetie, who's this?"
"this is soonyoung. he's my partner for a project we're doing."
"oh, you two work hard! i'll make snacks!! how about spaghetti dogs?"
"mom..." i dragged soonyoung to my room as he laughs.  

"woah. you have like all the things needed for music. do you make your own music?"
"yeah, i do."
"are we really required to have a choreography?"
"yeah. i'm sure you dance just fine."
"i can't dance."
"i'll fix you right up. i love dancing."
"oh, how lovely," i said sarcastically. "how about we work on the music first then we'll do that gross moving thing later."
"hah. all right." 

i don't want to write in front of him. ssshhhh. he'll think i'm a softie. the lyrics i write are all about feeling nice around someone whom i don't know. who's the someone? the world may never know. 

"how about we just use one of your old songs? it's easier, and we can find the choreography for that."
"i don't know..."
"you can get rid of me faster."
"that's cheating in some way."
"if you say so."

i got to the keyboard. i played some keys and maybe i could find my tune.
"could you get my notebook over there, soonyoung?" he handed me my notebook. "i have a lot of lyrics that i've never turned into a song. i...i'll let you look through it, so you can pick out the one you like."
he searched through my notebook, and i was sweating during the whole thing. "i like this one! or maybe this one!" he chose "very nice" and "change up." i was going to do "change up" with my friend seungcheol, but he moved somewhere else now.
"how about we do 'change up'?"
"i think i could work with that."

change up | soonhoonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu