Chapter 6 ~ Impact of Parents' Behavior

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I got in fights all the time as a kid

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I got in fights all the time as a kid. I guess I learned to fight from my parents. I couldn't get away from the incessant screaming and many times I went to sleep with a pillow over my head. When my dad would actually hit my mom, all I wanted to do was run away.

I didn't think it could get any worse between my parents, then my mom started working in a bar down the street. Dad really hated that. I think he was jealous of her being around any other men. So, yes, that did make things worse.

And things started to get worse in my behavior too. Although my mother did instill in me the belief that it was important to try to help other people, at a certain point that idea began to take a backseat to the more violent and negative behavior that started to manifest itself in me.

I became more rebellious and violent. I didn't even save it for school. I started getting in fights with the kids at the bus stop. There were two kids down the street that I had been friends with, but something happened, and we became bitter enemies. We used to make nasty comments to each another. We fought at the bus stop. This seemed to happen on a daily basis.

And it happened with other kids too. There were times when I knew I could hurt a kid really bad, but I chose not to do it. The fighting soon spread from the bus stop to school. I had been picked on in school, and originally I was egged on by the other kids to fight back. I wasn't very good at fighting at first, but when you get beat up enough times, you start to learn. It seemed like the other kids and I took our turns beating each other up.

One day at the bus stop, both of the brothers decided to jump me, so it was two against one. Although I was able to hold my own for a short time, they soon got the upper hand and were beating on me. On that day, my mom happened to be up early. After looking out the window, she came storming out of the house in her robe and slippers and threw one of the boys off me to break up the fight.

Later that week, the boys' parents came to our door to tell my parents they were going to sue us. They said my mom beat up their son. We ended up going to court a few months later. In his testimony, one of the boys said about my mom, "She sat on my back and beat me with her fist." Everybody in the courtroom started laughing. Everything about the case sounded so ludicrous that it was thrown out. The family moved out of the neighborhood shortly thereafter.

Robert Crown - Suffering Ends When Awakening Begins© - All Rights Reserved

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