Do not stack it (O7)

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*based on the hide and seek video on moreSidemen*

*they are in Scotland and had just finished filming there last scenes for the Sidemen Show 

*I know timeline is a little off! allow it

(if anyone here is in trouble because off the Sidemen show being on youtube red and not available  in your country , you can go to and watch it there.... your welcome :*  )


Harry was hiding in a tree, Ethan had walked under him once and Harry had been toying with him ever since that had happened, lucky for him Vik and Tobi were shouting at Ethan as well Ethan was not only trying to find Harry. Then Harry decided to go down and find himself a new place to hide, he then tried to make his way down the tree again, but it turned out not to be as easy for him to get down as it was getting up there in the first place. 

"fuck sake" Harry thought to himself as he looked around to make sure once again that Ethan would not see him, he had gone over to were Vik was shouting and Harry saw that as his window to climb down and to run and hide somewhere else. 

"ohh Harry, do not stack this, do not stack this, for the love of god" Harry said to the camera as he tries to make his way down, but then one wrong move and Harry finds himself falling to the ground, landing badly on his right ankle as he came down. 

"owwww for fuck sake" Harry moaned out, trying to stand up again and he managed to pull himself up with the help off the same tree, he managed to stand up and he found that his ankle was swelling up big time and it was hurting like a bitch, but Harry held out hope that he had only sprained it so he tried to put weight on it, but he was unable to do so, it hurt to bad

"well boys, it looks like I broke my ankle, so I'm just going to sit down and wait for Ethan to find me, he knows were I am" Harry smiled, his ankle was not killing him so there was no point screaming for everyone to come and help him, they should finish the game and then he could go to the hospital later. 

"HARRY, I'M COMING FOR YOU" Ethan called and Harry just smiled as he sat there waiting for them to come, there reaction would but funny as well, he was pretty sure that Ethan had found Vik so at least he did not lose.

"OHHHH ETHAN" Harry yelled again, making sure that he was found, because his ankle was starting to hurt a bit more, the adrenaline was starting to wear off now and he wanted to get inside and take a closer look at it, he was still hoping that it was just a bad sprain, even though he kinda knew that it was broken, it hurt like it was broken. 

"found you" Ethan laughed as Harry was sitting on the ground under the tree

"yeah, can you help me to the house now"

"help yourself" Ethan laughed 

"can't, fell out off the tree and broke my ankle" Harry said with a strait face, Ethan started laughing but quickly realised that Harry was not joking

"are you serious?" 

"yeah, I was gonna move to another spot, you know because of me shouting, just to confuse you, but lost my footing and stacked it, my ankle hurts like a bitch" Harry said as Ethan helped him stand up, and him and Vik took under his arm and they helped him hop inside where Vik said he would stay and Ethan was going out to look for the others. 

"Ethan, wait, take me outside again, I wanna watch how this pans out" Harry said as Ethan and Vik helped him outside and sat him down in a chair and propped him ankle up on another chair with an ice pack on his ankle as it was really swollen, Vik and Harry then watched as Ethan went out again to look for the rest off the boys, but just a few minutes later, JJ, Simon and Josh came running from behind them laughing

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