Perfect (Minishaw)

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(AFTER FADAD AND CONOR LEWIS-MINTER) shameless plug of the day lol

Harry was so tired, he could barely function anymore, ever since he and his husband Simon had welcomed there baby girls into the world 9 weeks ago, after a long and hard pregnancy with there surrogate, they had been worried the hole time that she had been pregnant, sure that something would go wrong, counting down the days until she would reach 37 weeks as that is full term with twins. but nothing did go wrong, the birth went smoothly and both girls took the bottle strait away, there was just one issue, they were never ever asleep at the same time, or at least that was how Harry was feeling, not to mention the 8year old that they already had, Conor was a champ though, he loved his little sisters very much, even if he could not always tell them apart. 

"daddy, Lydia is crying" Conor informed his father Simon 

"yeah, I'm making her a bottle now, can you go see if your dad is busy so he can take her while I finish?" Simon asked, as he knew if Lydia was hungry, it would only mean that Aria would start crying any minute and want a bottle as well. 

"dad is asleep on the floor, Aria is on the play mat, also asleep" Conor told him again

"really" Simon smiled as he finished the bottle and walked into the living room where his husband was asleep on the floor and one baby crying with Conor cooing over her, trying to make her smile, but that was not possible when she was hungry, Lydia was the more demanding twin, if she was hungry, she was hungry and it could not wait for even one minute or she would be livid. 

"here you go baby" Simon smiled as he picked her up and put the bottle in her mouth and she was happy. closing her eyes as she laid in her fathers arms sucking on her bottle. 

"Conor, wake up your father and tell him to go to bed and take a nap, the floor cant be to comfortable" Simon smiled as his child jumped onto his dad

"daddy, time to go to bed" Conor whispered in his ear, as he knew he could not be to loud, because he could wake up Aria and that would make his dad pretty pissed off, because the baby's were pretty bad sleepers, they never slept for more than 30 minutes at a time, and were awake for 25 minutes up to an hour in between naps, and if one was sleeping the other one was awake, that was slowly killing Harry as he and Simon were lucky to get 3 hours of sleep every night and then someone had to wake up with Conor to get him to school. 

"what" Harry moaned as his neck was killing after sleeping on the floor, even if it had only been about 5minutes

"Hazz go take a nap, I will handle them for a little while" Simon smiled at him as Harry walked to there room and flopped down onto the bed and he was out within the minute. 

"daddy is always tired" Conor smiled as he sat down next to his father on the sofa as he was burping Lydia 

"yeah, he needs sleep"

"are you not tired?" Conor asked his father as he looked up to him 

"yeah I am, but your dad does not handle stress to well so I let him take extra naps so he can focus on you kids better, does that make sense " Simon smiled at his son, he was getting so big and sometimes he just looked at him and the twins and could not believe how lucky he was, his life was perfect, there was nothing more that he needed, he had the perfect husband, the perfect son and two perfect daughters. 

"dad, do you know what we need?" Conor then asked 

"we don't need anything" Simon smiled as he saw that Lydia had fallen asleep and he put her in the cot they had in the living room and just looked at her, he then saw that Aria was awake and he took the bottle he had already prepared for her and took her in his arms

"there is one thing that we need" Conor said as he smiled 

"what do we need?" Simon

"we need a dog" Conor said and Simon just rolled his eyes and laughed, but as he thought about it, he felt that his son was right, that was the next step, a bigger house and a dog, Harry had always wanted a dog so he would agree to it in a heartbeat. Simon smiled again as he looked at his son.  Never in a million years did he think that he would have been this lucky. Right now everything was truly perfect. 

just some cute Minishaw for everyone :) 

if you have a request then drop me one here 

also do you want me to turn this into a book of its own, like not a story type thing, but many one shots around this family unit of Harry, Simon, Conor, Lydia and Aria? 


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