Chapter 10

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  After struggling to find parking for what felt like an hour, we followed the crowd of excited teens through the parking lot. For the amount of people in line, it seemed to move along at a good pace. I have to admit, the venue was pretty nice. The entrance was a row of elaborately carved archways, leading into a dramatically decorated lobby kind of room where you could buy merch, refreshments, things like that. 

  "can I see your ticket?" A women dressed in a bright 'STAFF' shirt asked holding her hand out. Chris quickly stuck his hand in his back pocket and pulled out two tickets handing them to the woman then wrapped his arm around me to indicate who the other ticket was for. She scanned the tickets then returned them to Chris with a smile. "Enjoy the show." She called as we made our way through the swarm of kids already lined up at the merch tables and the bar. 

    As the crowd shifted into where the stage must be, I could see another set of archways that led into a dimer room. I pulled on Chris' hand wanting to go there, I heard him laugh a little before he followed me. The floor was already filling up with people, spotlights hung from the ceiling illuminating the stage of precisely placed instruments, and the fluorescent paintings on the walls. Chris put an arm around my waist just as the members started to walk on stage, causing the crowd to erupt in excitement. 

  "Wanna go towards the front?" Chris said into my ear since the noise level in this room had just tripled. I nodded my head. His grip on me tightened as he pushed through the ocean of screaming people. we were about three rows away from the stage when the first song stared to play. I recognized it, but wasnt able to put a name to it. 

  After the first song, came the introduction of the band, although the screaming of kids all around me was giving me a headache. A few more familiar songs played I bobbed my head with the music finally starting to get into it, Chris seemed really happy, that's all I cared about. This was his birthday gift after all. 

   "do you want something to drink?" Chris kinda had to yell into my ear. I shrugged a little, "water." I yelled back not really that thirsty. He nodded and disappeared into the crowd. I felt so alone, I wanted to follow him so badly. Although I didn't want to seem ridiculous like i couldn't be by myself while he goes to get a drink. I tried focusing on the music, everyone was like throwing themselves at the stage at this point. I rocked side to side as the melody of the song got softer and slower, singing the words to myself, waiting for Chris to come back.

  Nearly 3 songs had gone by and the band's set was almost over, still no Chris. I was extreamly nervous that something had happened to him. Maybe I should go look for him? Just as I was scanning the crowd, I felt someone grab onto my hand and pull me through the sea of sweaty bodies until we were in a poorly lit hall. I thought it was Chris until my eyes adjusted to see a girl a few years older than me with long dark hair and a fit athletic build. My mouth hung open not sure what to say or what was going on. 

  She tore off the loosely fitting band tee she was wearing throwing it to the floor. panic set in, where was Chris and why was this happening to me? I don't even like girls! She pushed her body against mine, grinding on me as she sloppily kissed me with the lingering scent of alcohol. I tried pushing her away but she had me pinned against the wall. This is ridiculous, I cant even push a girl off of me!? she latched on to my hands and forced them up to her boobs. I turned my head trying to stop her from kissing me. She pushed me against the wall with even more force as I tried to wiggle out of her grasp. 

  "Damian? Damiaaan?" A wave of relied washed over me as I heard Chris' voice. "CHRIS!" I screamed as loud as I could before the rapist lady grabbed my face and stared to stick her tongue down my throat, I could barely breathe. "CHRISTOPERR" I screamed again fighting against the girl's hold on me. My eyes flicked to the end of the hallway where I could make out the shadow of a tall figure running towards us. 

  "Damian!?" I heard him yell as he pulled the half naked girl off me with ease. I felt tears finally fall from my eyes as Chris stared screaming at the girl who had stumbled to the ground. He wouldn't hit her, he knew it wasnt right to hit a girl, but I could feel how bad he wanted to. The girl was clearly drunk, Chris looked disgusted but left her there on the floor. He stomped over to me, barely stopping to take my hand before he rushed us out of the hallway back into the stage area. A new band had took the stage, but I don't think Chris was interested in that at the moment. 

  He pulled me out into the room where the bar was, anger clearly displayed on his face. I was honestly scared of losing him over this, why did this have to happen so often? why couldn't I push girls off of me, I'm pathetic. 

  "Damian." I was shocked that Chris's' recent raging attitude had just turned to a much softer, almost apologetic one. I looked up at him, wiping the left over tears from my face. He sighed, then hugged me. I was so confused. Why wasn't he yelling or at least asking me what happened. I was actually grateful he was just hugging me, I hugged him back tightly. I may be falling further in love with this boy.

  "Im so sorry I left you." He nearly whispered as he hugged me tighter. I clung to him desperately, not wanting him to let go. "Do you wanna uh, get out of here?" He asked leaning back to see my face. I shrugged and kinda nodded not knowing exactly what that meant. He dropped his arms from me and laced his fingers with mine guiding me towards the exit. There was still another band supposed to perform, I felt mega guilty as we walked through the parking lot in silence.

  "I'm sorry I ruined your birthday gift Chris. I'm so pathetic, I can never do anything right." I struggled to say without more tears spilling from my eyes. Chris suddenly jerked to a halt and turned towards me. "Damian, you didn't ruin anything for me. Its not your fault some drunk slut decided to attack you, the only reason I was excited about coming here was because I got to go with you. I could care less about those bands, you are what matters to me, Damian. Just you."  I could feel the tears building up again, only this  time they were.. happy tears?

   "I need to ask you something I was too stupid to ask before,"Chris' face contained the elements of confusion, determination, and pain. He took both my hands in his and sighed. 

  "Damian, will you be my boyfriend?" 

  A/N: Once again I'm sorry for the length of this chapter. Usually I have no problem updating regularly during the summer, but I've just been really busy lately and I also have this summer reading assignment I have to do for school so ill try to update as much as I can, although the chapters will probably be shorter than usual. Thank you for all the votes and comments, that's motivated me  a lot when trying to update! ☺

The Fragile & The Broken ⊗ [boyxboy]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin