Chapter 9

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  I stared at my closet sort of panicking since it was already 3:30 and Chris said he'd come to pick me up at 4. The venue was nearly 2 hours away, and we wanted to make sure we got there early enough to get to the front. I reached out and frantically flipped through the articles of clothing hanging.

  My phone went off from its position on my bed, causing me to practically back flip over to it. after typing in the pass code and reading the text, I smiled.

Chris: Hey, are you almost ready? or could I be of assistance?

  I quickly replied back with 'yeah a little help would be greatly appreciated' while smiling like an idiot. Slouching on my bed, I looked around waiting for Chris to arrive. My eyes landed on the mirror in front of me, a disgusting dark purple mark was peeking out from my low cut, baggy tshirt. I cringed, slowly walking towards the mirror and pulling off my shirt. An aray of dark bruises swallowed my chest and stomach, making my already horrid body even worse. I chocked a little when I heard the front door open, and scrambled to get my shirt back on.

  "You just let yourself right in?" I chuckled as Chris casually crashed onto my bed, sprawling across it. "Guess so" He shrugged smirking while propping himself up on his elbows. I rolled my eyes and glanced back over at my closet. "What do I wear!" I yelled realizing how late it was getting.

  "It doesn't really matter you always look good anyway." he replied casually. I swallowed the lump in my throat and turned my head to hide my blush. I scanned through my closet for the hunderth time as if some perfect outfit would appear if i kept looking. I felt a cold hand brush by me, reaching into my closet causing me to shiver.

  "Just wear this shirt, you don't have to look too formal." Chris winked handing me a tight fitting black tee. I played with the fabric balling it in my hands nervously as Chris stared at me. "Do you plan on getting dressed any time soon?" He asked laughing a little at himself. "turn around and close your eyes" I said shyly not wanting to change in front of him. Not only was I ashamed of my body, but I was absolutely disgusted by the black and blue marks that I had received yesterday.

  Chris raised his hands in defense and turned around allowing me to change. I struggled to get my shirt off, still feeling sore. I dropped the shirt to the floor and was pulling the black tee over my arms when I felt Chris quickly spin around and pick me up. He hoisted me up over his shoulder, moving so fast I barely had time to react or protest. "What are you doing?" I asked confused as the shirt I failed to put on slipped from my arms to the floor.

  He lowered me onto my bed forcefully, but kept his hand under my head to make sure I didn't get hurt. as he climbed over me my heart sped up seeing his notorious sexy half smile spread across his face. His face got closer and closer to me, I felt frozen in place, not knowing what was happening or what to do. He slipped one arm under my back, brushing against one of my very tender bruises causing me to yelp in pain.

  He instantly rolled off of me and his face filled with panic and remorse. "Damian, Im so sorry!" He said softly holding me cautiously. I smiled softly hiding how much pain that caused me and curled up to Chris' side. He nervously pulled me into his arms, careful not to hurt me. I looked up at Chris happily, loving the fact he was holding me. When he realized I was staring at him he smiled and kissed my forehead. My stomach filled with butterflies and the sudden urge to kiss him took over. I propped myself up on my elbows and leaned in close to him. I couldn't help but stare at his lips as Chris slowly leaned in as well. I couldn't take it anymore, I needed to kiss him. I craved him. Just as I was going to close the gap between us, a knock at the door stopped us.

  "I'm home from work Damian. Let me know if you want me to start making dinner." My mom called through my bedroom door. I yelled back a quick 'okay' and started to pick myself up off of Chris figuring we should get going. I was pulled back in to the strong grip of Chris, before I could process what was going on, Chris was kissing me. I desperately kissed back wrapping my arms around his neck. He slowed our raging kiss for a moment to delicately slid his arms around my waist. The kiss evolved from a hungry lustful one, to more of a slow passionate one. Chris was hard to understand, but I rather go on out of the know than question him and end up losing him entirely.

  He pulled away from me almost regretfully and sat up. "We're going to be late if we don't leave soon." He stated helping me stand. I nodded and picked my shirt off the floor pulling it over my head with haste. As we made our way downstairs I felt his arm wrap around my waist. My breath still hitches every time he touches me. We got settled into his car, Chris starting off towards the venue as I decided on a radio station.

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a really long time, and also that this chapter is ridiculously short. Im still trying to figure out where I want to go with this story and I feel like its starting to get kinda boring.. :c

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