Chapter 2

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  This is it, the 'big day'. I stepped out of the car and waved goodbye to my mom then headed up the steep stairs leading to the front doors to my new high school. A few kids pushed past me into the school, but the majority of them were gathered in groups probably catching up with friends talking about their summer.. not that I would know what that's like.

  I wondered the never ending halls until I found my locker labeled number 203. Slipping my bag onto the hook, I fished out my schedule and groaned. I had advanced math first, meaning I was most likely going to get picked on since everyone else is probably older than me. great. "Hey Damian!" I froze in shock, I didn't think I would know anyone here. i quickly grabbed my book and shut my locker spinning around to search for who had called my name. Chris, the boy from Hot Topic, came running up to me from a group of boys who seemed older than myself. "You go to school here?" He asked standing in front of me. "Yeah I'm a freshman." I blushed as he gave me a cute confused smile. 

  The bell rang and everyone scattered from the halls into their classes. "What do you have?" Chris asked waving to some guys he was talking to earlier and walking beside me. "math, room 217." I replied holding up my schedule a bit. "Me too." He grinned grabbing onto my arm and pulling me down the hall. I shivered at his touch, there go those stupid butterflies again. He lead me into a classroom, letting go of my arm and sat towards the back of the room. I stood near the door awkwardly, taking in my surroundings. Yup, everyone looked older than me so the whole situation was really intimidating.

  "Damian." Chris called waving me over. I shuffled shyly across the room and took a seat next to him. "Good morning, hope everyone had a good summer." I faced the front to see a middle aged woman striding up to her desk and setting down a stack of papers. She started writing some goals for the year on the board and passed out the itinerary, but I was focused on the beautiful boy next to me. His black hair fell over his crystal blue eyes as he stared down at the paper he was handed. A smile lit up on his face when he looked over at me, I felt so embarrassed for staring at him. guahh, I'm so stupid. My face went red, and I redirected my eyes on the board.

The class passed fairly quickly. When the bell rang, I rushed from the class trying to hide how I was still blushing from when Chris smiled at me. I was hurrying so fast, I bumped in to someone. "Sorry." I stuttered looking up to face them, fuck. Of course I had to walk in to one of the biggest seniors at the school. "What the hell is wrong with you?" He spat pushing me up against a locker. "I-I ddidnt meant to." I whispered fearing I had only been here an hour and the abuse was going to start right up again. "Rick, leave him alone!" my head shot over to see Chris pushing past people, rushing towards us. "Why would you care about this loser?" He snapped at Chris tightening his grip on my shirt. My heart sank, hes right. Why would he care about me? Im nothing, no one cares about me except my mother, Im pathetic.

  "Hes my friend, so dont fucking touch him." Chris snarled pulling me away from Rick and standing in front of me. My eyes went wide as I took in what was happening. Chris considered me his friend? My first friend is a boy I have a huge crush on?.. wonderful.  Rick and his group sent us death glares before walking away. "are you okay?" He asked turning around and latching onto one of my hands. My eyes fluttered down to our hands, the sight of our fingers interwound sent chills up my spine, but he noticed I was staring and quickly dropped my hand. "Uh, yeah Im fine thanks." I assured him rubbing the back of my neck. 

  "Well we should get to class, see you at lunch or something." Chris sighed taking off down the hall leaving me to find my next class on my own. Luckily, it wasn't that hard to find, and I discretely slipped into the class. 


  The cafeteria was packed with kids, i felt really uncomfortable unsure of where to sit. I really wanted to sit with Chris, but so far he was no where to be found. I felt a tap on my should and I nearly dropped my tray I was so startled. "Want to come eat with me?" He asked with a crooked grin. I wildly nodded my head up at Chris, Ive been looking forward to spending more time with him all day. I don't think we have any classes together besides math. "Where are we going?" I asked following him out of the lunch room and into the hallway. "Its always too crowded and noisy in there so I just eat in the library." Chris shrugged holding the library door open for me. 

  We sat at one of the tables in the corner together, eating in silence for a long time. I was dying to talk to him but I had no idea how. "So, I know we just kinda met but its my birthday this weekend so do you want to hang out or something?" He broke the silence looking over at me shyly. I almost choked on my apple but quickly recovered and shook my head. "Yeah sure, that sounds cool." I smiled trying to not seem like a dork that never gets invited to anything. "Great, here's my number text or call whenever you want." he said scribbling his number on the inside of my notebook. "Should I give you my number?" I asked hesitantly. "Oh yeah, yeah." He laughed and held out his arm in front of me. "What?" I questioned furrowing my brows with a goofy smile. "Just write it on my arm so I don't lose it." Chris smiled.

  I wrapped my left hand around his arm to steady it, lifting my pen to his skin and slowly writing my number not wanting to pull away from him. "There you go." I chuckled softly finally letting go of his arm and sitting back in my chair. "Thanks, I think lunch is just about over now but i'll text you later." I could have sworn I saw him wink before he stood with his tray. I nodded even though his back was to me, and followed him back to the cafiteria.


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