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a daring & exciting activity calling for passion & enthusiasm


IT WAS POURING outside, but that wasn't what pulled Paloma from her sleep at four in the morning.  With the sound of rain thrumming on the roof, it was almost difficult to hear the light taps coming from the door.  Though they were soft, there was a sense of urgency behind each tap, curiosity settling in Paloma's stomach as she listened closely.

Glancing at the time with tired eyes, Paloma weakly pushed herself out of bed.  She shivered as the warmth of the comforter disappeared and was replaced by the chilly air of her apartment.  She reached for the sweater that hung on the chair in the corner of her room and pulled it over her head.

In efforts to save money, she kept the heater off during the colder months and opted for thick blankets and warm clothing.  As a student in university, Paloma did her best to conserve her money and focus on more important expenses.  She had to be responsible and look out for herself, especially when no one else would.

Taking a deep breath, Paloma unlocked the door, opening it to reveal a very hesitant looking Easton.  His hair was an unruly mess, and she could tell he was fighting back a yawn.  She didn't know what to expect as she opened the door at four in the morning, but she certainly wasn't prepared to greet a boy she'd just barely met.

"Um, hi," she said softly.  His eyes connected with hers, a mix of uncertainty and excitement reflecting through the dark brown irises.

"Do you like Disney?"


AFTER SLIPPING ON a pair of old sneakers, Paloma followed Easton through the hallway, where they quietly made their way past the building's sleeping residents to the hushed lobby.  Yes, she did like Disney, and despite the lack of an explanation, she had chosen not to ask questions, the look in his eyes enough to convince her to trust him and see where they'd end up.

Easton glanced back, appearing almost surprised to see that Paloma was still there, and motioned for her to come closer as they neared the doors to the outside.  She hadn't realized that he'd brought an umbrella along until he opened it for the two of them to use.  Making sure to leave room between the two of their arms, Paloma stepped alongside him as they journeyed out into the open.

She marveled at the soaked streets, large puddles of fresh rainwater glistening in the moonlight.  The cars parked along the street were covered with streaming raindrops.  Tree branches buckled under the extra weight, letting bundles of water drop to the ground. There wasn't a single person in sight apart from the two of them, which made sense given the time.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" she head Easton mutter under his breath, almost as if he had just been speaking to himself.

She hummed in response, watching as each drop splashed onto the pavement.  He nudged her shoulder gently, and she glanced over as he attached earphones to a cassette player.  He held one end for her and proceeded to put the other one in his ear.  She accepted it, and immediately a song from the soundtrack of Wall-E came on.

Twenty-six Steps with EastonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang