Chapter Six

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I looked at my arm to find it was only a shard of glass. I looked around the room... Looking for our attackers... But I saw nobody.. No attackers... And no Gold... They took him.. They must have.. They took one of the only people I loved...

I jumped out of the window and began my search for them.. I went to the Team Rocket HQ first... I knew it was a trap... It had to be... I could already tell... But I had to make sure Gold was okay... I loved him..

I hopped into Honchkrow and flew off to Pallet Town to- wait who am I kidding... They would probably freak out if I told them me and Gold loved each other...

So I flew to the HQ before landing at Pallet. I bursted through the doors and was met by Giovanni, "Where is he?!" I almost shouted but didn't... I was closer to tears then shouting..

Giovanni looked at me, "He's fine, if that's what you're wondering. So is Lyssa, the one who told us where we could find you."

I shivered hearing that.. Lyssa betrayed me? No.. She would never.. I love her too...

"Lyssa would never betray me!" I shouted that time, about to burst into tears..

Giovanni only said with a sneer, "She will if it's to marry you."

I froze, "Marry... Me...? But I barely know her! She barely knows me! Besides... I love Gold more..."

Giovanni stared coldly at me, I shivered again... Being around Giovanni just... Makes me cold...

"I!! Want!! GOLD!!" I shouted loudly, then noticed a hand on my shoulder.. Red! He must've saw me on Honchkrow!

"It's okay Silver.. Calm down we'll get him back." He winked at me.. Oh great now Red's gonna tell everyone...

Well anyways together me and Red took down Team Rocket and saved Gold... Too bad for Lyssa.. I chose Gold over her...

I walked up to Lyssa as she left her cell.. I just had to.. One more time.. I pulled her close and kissed her.. Gold watched but already knew I choose him..

She cried as I told her after the kiss who I choose... I walked away with Gold..

I really hate breaking others' hearts... But I can't break Gold's... Not ever. So Red did end up telling everyone and things... Well they stayed the same.. Except Blue.. Stared at me and Gold for a while before going back to his book..

Honestly, can't Blue accept people like me and Gold? I'm not sure... It doesn't seem right to them..

Well we had a party later that night... Lyra was there since she's Crys's sister. She wasn't happy to find that me and Gold were officially together in her words.

Me and Gold shrugged her off and sat in a corner, "See, Silv, I'm not EVER turning on you." He said

I smiled, "I know.. That nightmare really scared me though.."

And then we kissed, everybody watching us, we didn't care though, this is who we are.

The End.... For now

Hope you guys liked! It's my first fanfic so don't freak out because it's short! I also got less descriptive with things because I wrote this at like 1 am to 6:30 am.

And oh my gosh like 50 views already?!?!?! This has only been out a few days!! Thank you all!!! Please check out my other books! I'm making a sequel to this book and I would love it if you checked it out!

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