Chapter Four

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I woke in a room, in a bed. My burns were covered with bandages. I looked over and saw Gold unconscious on another bed, 'Where are we..?' Was all I thought of.

The door opened in the front of the room and Giovanni walked in, I sat up a bit but not much because it hurt even if I sat up a bit. He looked at me, "Ah so you're awake." He said, "Did that Typhlosion hurt you badly?"

I stared at him, silent, and watched his every move like a Golbat. I was'nt gonna let him try anything, "I finally found you, Silver, again." He snapped his fingers and the door opened again, a girl almost fell inside.

I tilted my head in confusion as I stared into her deep Emerald green eyes that her black hair made stand out. I couldn't say much so I said the first thing that popped in my head which was, "Let me and Gold go."

Giovanni gave me a hard stare. 'He thought I changed..' I thought. Honestly, I wouldn't change.. I hate Team Rocket for what they did. I hated my father, too, for some time until he protected me last time we saw each other.

"I thought you would see the right answer this time but no... You didn't... You see, Lyssa here happened to know what to say when I asked her if she wanted to join." He told me.

I stared at the girl, and thought, 'There is no way she joined...'

She just stared back into my eyes, I looked away and at Gold who was slowly stirring. When he noticed where we were he immediantly demanded that me and him be let go. Giovanni only chuckled. He threw the girl to the ground then left, locking the door from outside.

I looked back at Gold who's clothes were torn up, "Gold.. What happened after I passed out?" I asked.

"Well... So I battled Giovanni with my team. I was on my last Pokemon, Explotaro, you see, he had his Persian attack both me and my Pokemon so I eventually blacked out too.. I thinks Explotaro is fine though.." He explained quickly.

I nodded and sat up all the way. He came over and hugged me, a bit too tight so I yelped a bit at the pain. He let me go, "Sorry.. I forgot your hurt.." He muttered then sat down in front of me.

I stare into his gold eyes and he stares into my silver ones. We has completely forgotten about Lyssa... Until she sat down on Gold, "So Silver, you're Giovanni's son? Why won't you join? Who's this? Why are you staring at each other?" She pestered me with question, trying not to be rude I answered them all.

She smiled at me then hugged me, kissing my cheek too. I blushed and looked down into my lap, which she decided right after I looked down to sit in it. I looked up at Gold who seemed pretty pissed. I shrugged and went on to hear Lyssa's life story...

That night after she fell asleep me and Gold started fighting, "Silver!! You liked her don't you??!!"

"Of course not Gold!! I liked you!!"

"Sure sure..."

I looked at him, straight in the eyes, "I do not."

Gold eventually nodded, "I guess you don't.."

Ugh I swear something's wrong with this kid's head... He changes his mind like a girl changes clothes...

I finally decided I wanted to stand up so I took the pain and stood up. Gold stood up too and wrapped his arms around my neck, I smiled, "See. I like you Gold, not her."

Gold nodded, "Yeah yeah I see now... Normally you would tell me to stop touching you.."

But.. I secretly liked the girl too I was so confused and full of mixed emotions! Who did I like more though? Gold... Or Lyssa?

Me and Gold slept on the same bed again, deciding Lyssa should keep mine. In the morning I woke up and saw Giovanni enter again, carrying food this time. Gold woke up to and growled at Giovanni. I didn't want to growl but I did. I growled because I hated him. I didn't want to hate my father.

He looked over at us then came over, smacking my face, "That's no way to greet your father, young Silver." That was when I snapped. I bolted up, my hand in a fist, and tried punching him. He only caught my hand and threw it down, smacking me again. I flinched this time when he smacked me.

Gold stood up and tried to beat the crap outta Giovanni but only ends up being taken out along with Lyssa. I'm alone... With Giovanni...

I look at my father with fear? Hatred? Love? No definatley not love. Probably fear and hatred mixed together with longing to have him as a normal father. He noticed this and grinned, "Silver my son, I may not be the father you want me to be, but, I do love you.."

I felt all my emotions bubble up at once..

"I started Team Rocket to find you..."

I felt like I was gonna explode any minute..

"That's why I protected you back when Deoxys teleported us out into the fiery rubble..."

That's when I exploded.

"Shut up! Shut up okay Giovanni?! I don't care about what you think!!!! I don't care what you have to say!!!! You aren't my father! I won't accept it!! You're probably just lying to me so I'd join Team Rocket!!" I shouted loudly, making him go silent.

He stared at me before grabbing my hair and dragged me out. He took me to where Gold and Lyssa where, pulling them out too. He gave us our Pokemon and threw us out of the building, "Silver I will be back for you when your attitude changes." He declared.

Silently I stood up and walked off, Gold and Lyssa following, talking to each other. I was silent the whole way though. Gold noticed then and tried to get me to talk. Nothing worked. I just stared ahead as I walked.

He then poked my cheek and I laughed a bit because it tickled. Then Gold thought it would be funny to tickle me. So he pinned me to the ground and tickled me, forcing me to smile and laugh, "Gold! Stop! It tickles!!"

"That's the point Silver!"

He finally stopped and I smiled as I sat up. I looked at Lyssa who walked off after seeing how happy I was with Gold. I stared after her in silence only to have Gold tickle me again..

In the afternoon me and Gold ate lunch after training. I saved Gold from a falling branch during our battle saving him again, not getting hurt this time. He smiled and thanked me with a kiss but really... It was not a probably saving him and he knew it..

After we finished eating he went on a walk alone with his Pokemon.. That's when Lyssa returned, "I saw you two kiss back there.." She whispered.

I looked at him and she sat in my lap, putting her arms around my neck.

"So SilvSilv!" She said forgetting what she previously said, "How are you?"

I smiled, "Good, you?"

"I'm excellent." I answered.

"Now since your friend Gold went on a walk, wanna go hang out?" She asked, saying 'Friend' and Gold' a bit harshly.

I nodded a yes.

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