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"simon, it's been two months since we graduated and i still can't get a job." harry huffed out after getting another phone call telling him he was unfortunately unsuccessful yet again.

"hey, come here." simon said pulling harry onto him and wrapping his arms around him in an effort to comfort him. harry huffed out once more before relaxing into simon's chest.

since the two had graduated harry had stopped fighting, due to simon's involvement with the whole thing, and had decided on trying to get a job. emphasis on the trying. simon however, had indulged in having absolutely no more assignments or projects and loved the fact he could laze around all day.

"maybe you should take a break?" simon suggested. he suddenly had an urge to go on holidays, he had always had an issue with impulse spending.

"and do what? laze around like you all day." harry mumbled rolling his eyes, simon playfully pushed the smaller boy and pretended to frown.

"i was thinking travelling." simon told him, harry's face lighting up. the only travelling he'd done was moving house.

"where to?" he asked, sitting up ready to hear simon's plan. simon wrapped an arm around the smaller boy and pulled him into his lap.

"anywhere you want to go love." he smiled, smiling even more when harry had started smiling. harry wrapped his arms around simon, internally screaming like a small child.

after an hour of searching the internet they decided on crete, a small greek island. it has nice views and really good weather, plus the food is amazing. simon sighed out in happiness as he received the confirmation emails.

they were going to go on their first holiday together, as a couple. but harry didn't own many 'holiday suitable' clothing so it was time to go shopping.

then finally the day came and harry quickly learnt that he was terrified of flying. simon held his hand the whole way there and repeatedly told him he would be okay.

once they got off the plane the two boys looked at eachother and smiled. they were happy.

him - minishaw ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt