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harry drunk the rest of his drink before turning to the bar to order another. he took his drink outside to the small smoking shelter, the shelter was usually empty, but today there was someone else there.

harry lit his cigarette before realising the other boy in the shelter was some guy from his university. he thought the boy was beautiful, but harry knew that nobody would ever think that way about him.

simon had decided it was now or never, he needed to finally speak to the attractive boy that haunted his mind. so he ever so slowly edged over to the boy, hoping he wouldn't notice.

"hello." simon said quietly, he lacked the confidence to speak to new people but he was trying his best.

"hi?" harry mumbled back, it sounding like a question. he was confused as to why such a beautiful man would consider talking to him.

"h-how are you?" simon asked, he was extremely nervous to finally be talking to him and he didn't really know what to say.

"i don't like small talk." harry snapped causing the taller to flinch. harry mentally slapped himself for sounding so rude, but it was true, small talk wasn't his thing.

"i- uh... okay." simon spluttered out, he was lost for words.

the two boys stood in silence for what felt like forever, simon had even gone to get them two more drinks, earning himself a thankful nod off of harry.

"it's beautiful isn't it?" harry sighed out, he was captivated by the sunset.

"the sunset?" simon asked.

harry simply nodded, not taking his eyes off of the sunset. simon agreed that the sunset was beautiful, but he was more mesmerised with the smaller boy standing next to him. simon was able to see through the grazes and the bruises to the pretty face hiding underneath.

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