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"please look it's the exact amount." harry practically begged the landlord. the last thing he needed was to lose his flat. there was no way he'd be able to get a new place.

"no. i've had enough of you missing payments. you've got two days before i want you gone." his landlord snapped. "now get out."

harry stormed out of the room and headed to the bar. he considered going to see simon, but decided against it. he didn't know why he didn't even call simon, something drew him to the bar.

he was due to have a fight the next day, meaning that if he didn't spend any of the money he borrowed then whether he won or lost the fight he'd be able to pay back the money he owed. but instead he ripped open the envelope, pulling out some money for a drink.

simon had tried texting the younger a few times, he hadn't heard off of him since he'd left the morning after their date. he was slightly hurt but confused. he wondered if he did something wrong, but he couldn't think of anything he did bad.

he decided to do what he used to do whenever he was confused, before he met harry, and head off to the bar for a couple of drinks. he paid for the drink and headed outside to the smokers area.

"hey haz, are you okay?" he asked. he had found harry, sitting in the corner, head in hands and sobbing. each sob felt like a punch to the gut for simon, he hated seeing the smaller boy cry.

harry lifted his head when he heard simon speak, he quickly wiped his eyes with his sleeves and got up in an attempt to leave. simon grabbed the smaller boy as he tried to run past him, pulling him into a hug.

"hey, what's up? talk to me?" simon whispered holding the boy protectively. harry shook his head as he tried to pull away from simon's grip but the taller wouldn't let him go.

"haz please." simon said softly, gently tracing harry's jawline with his pointer finger. harry jumped back, tears flowing from his eyes and staining his cheeks.

"you really want to fucking know simon?" harry yelled. "my life is a fucking mess. i'll never have a real job. i've lost my fucking shitty apartment and i owe some bat shit crazy dude money because once again i tried to drink away my problems. and you, you're still here and i can't understand why because i'm nothing."

harry slid down the wall, dropping to his knees on the floor. simon quickly crouched down in front of him pulling him to an embrace. he held the younger boy in his arms rocking him back and forth.

"harry, i'm still here because, well because i love you." simon breathed out looking into harry's eyes. harry was shocked, he still couldn't understand why simon even cared about him.

"i... i love you too simon. i really fucking do." harry whispered, wrapping his arms around simon's neck, leaning in to kiss him. their lips danced together for as long as they could before stopping to catch their breath, foreheads leaning together.

"live with me." simon suggested, his voice laced with hope. harry couldn't help but wonder if this was some kind of joke.

"are you being serious?" he asked, simon nodded. "well if you don't mind then sure."

"harry i couldn't think of anything i'd rather do than spend my time with you." simon admitted, standing up from the floor and pulling harry up with him. "now let's go home."

harry nodded and smiled. he and simon walked back to simon's, well their place, hand in hand. and harry couldn't feel more complete.

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