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the next few weeks harry and simon didn't speak to eachother a lot. the university work had been piled on meaning the boys were always kept busy, harry struggling to balance work and uni work had been causing him to be extremely stressed. simon had noticed this so decided to give the younger a call.

"hey haz."


"you don't sound too good."

"just a little tired that's all."

"we've been given way too much work"

"tell me about it, only just managed to complete it"

"does that mean you're free?"


"text me your address and i'll come over"

"can we meet somewhere instead?"


"uh, just..."

"just text me and i'll be over"

"yeah okay"

harry hung up the phone and sighed out in defeat before texting simon. he was nervous for him to come over because he didn't want simon to judge him for his flat.

it was fairly small and wasn't in a nice area, the furniture was mostly second hand or desperately in need of being replaced. everything was cheap, the carpets had stains and if harry was honest with himself he didn't clean the place often enough.

he had been to simon's place before and it was huge, everything was expensive and really clean. it was basically the opposite to what harry had because simon had a lot of money.

harry decided to clean up a bit as he noticed the amount of empty cans and dirty plates had been piling up throughout the joint kitchen-living room. just as he finished there was a knock on his front door.

he opened the door to see the taller boy standing there smiling, he moved out the way to let him in but simon just pulled him into a big hug.

"i've missed you haz." simon quietly admitted, half hoping the boy wouldn't hear him. the two boys had missed having the other around, despite still not knowing eachother well.

"i've missed you too." harry replied, making simon smile harder than he thought to be possible.

the two boys walked into the living room to sit down, harry watching simon carefully to see any signs of being judged. he knew that despite having a lot of money simon wasn't a snob, but there was still an overwhelming fear that he'd hate harry after seeing how he lives.

"want a drink?" harry asked, receiving a nod. he went to the small kitchen area and grabbed two beers before flopping onto the sofa next to simon.

"what's wrong?" simon asked after about ten minutes, he could sense that harry was feeling uneasy about something and wanted to know if he could help.

"nothing?" harry questioned back. he looked at simon, trying to seem as convincing as possible but miserably failing.

"i can sense when something's up, you can talk to me." simon insisted softly, wrapping an arm around the smaller boy.

harry winced slightly as he had a large bruise on his side from his last fight but he hoped simon didn't notice. the taller did notice but chose not to ask, harry refuses to speak to him about where he gets his bruises so there was no point in asking. he did however move his arm slightly so as not to hurt the smaller further.

"i thought you would judge me." harry sheepishly admitted, looking down to the floor.

"judge you about what?" simon asked, gently placing his hand to the side of harry's face.

"my flat." harry responded, struggling to meet simon's gaze.

"why would i judge you for that?" simon asked, rubbing his thumb across harry's cheek.

"simon, the contents of your wardrobe are probably worth more than my shitty little apartment." harry mumbled, finally lifting his eyes to look at simon's face.

"harry, i promise you i will never judge you for anything ever. what you have or don't have doesn't matter. i will never judge you." simon swore to him, hoping that the boy would believe what he said because every word was true.

harry simply nodded before gently placing his lips to simon's, simon shuffled back on the sofa before pulling harry onto his lap. harry nuzzled his face into simon's chest,

and for once, he didn't feel like the world was against him.

yo so sorry i haven't updated in a few days, been super busy w college nd some family stuff but everything's good now so imma try nd write as much as possible tonight.

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