vingt et un

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the next morning when harry woke up he jumped into the shower, only very quickly washing himself before hurrying to put some clothes on. he made himself a cigarette before grabbing his rucksack and rushing out of the door.

he hated himself for what he was about to do, but it had to be done. a small part of him knew that this would come back to bite him later, but there was always that voice inside telling him that he didn't care.

so he strolled into the gym, going straight to the office and walking inside. the man sat at the desk was surprised to see him, but also slightly annoyed. the small boy had a habit of just disappearing for a couple of weeks without telling him where he went.

"where've you been lewis?" the man asked, annoyance clearly evident in his voice.


"sick? that's some bullshit if ever i've heard it!" the man stated with an obnoxious laugh, harry was known for lying and he wasn't having any of it.

"alright, i got the shit kicked out of me and couldn't get out of bed." harry admitted, acting as if he wasn't embarrassed. the man simply nodded, understanding that this story was a more likely scenario.

"so what can i do for you?" the man asked, knowing that harry only storms into his office when he needs something.

"cash." harry simply stated, the man raising his eyebrows as he wondered exactly how much cash harry was talking about. "only rent."

"okay, you know my interest rates and what happens if you don't pay back in time right? or do i need to remind you?" the man asked, a smirk dancing across his lips.

"i know, i know. just give me the money so i can go, i've got people to see." harry muttered, getting impatient with the man.

"would that be your boyfriend?" the man chuckled as he held out an envelope. harry simply snatched the envelope and left, no thank you and no answer to the man's question.

him - minishaw ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora