Ch. 6

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Once I made my way to my tent, I lay down. My plan is when Daryl falls asleep, I go to the woods and leave. It will be hard to leave my protecter but hey, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.  I need to find my sister. I need to leave this place. I need to stop feeling guilty. I need to forget all the people here. I need to remember I'm better off alone. And I need to remember it's just me and my sister, against the world, like it always was.

Daryl is still outside of the tent carving more arrows while I'm quietly packing. Once I hear him stand up, I hurried and put my bag next to me and lay down on the makeshift bed.

These past days Daryl's been a friend, a protecter, someone I can trust.

So I decide to thank him.

Once he comes in and lays down he asks " are you going to Shane's?" "Ya. For like 5 minutes." I hear him mumble something in return. "Hmm?" U ask "nothing" he says. "Hey Daryl," he didn't say anything so I say "hey protecter" a little louder. "Wha' women" he says which earns a small smile from me. " what did you say to Rick today. " I say. He's quiet for a minute than answers. 

"Just to try and do good, tis all" I laugh. "Wha'" he says with a smirk. " that doesn't sound like you protecter" I say. "Okay, okay, all I said was make sure he doesn't try anything with the ya" he states. "Didn't work" I mumble softly. "Hmm?" He asks mocking when I said that "nothing". I say. I can see him tense and he's about to ask something but I beat him to it.

" gotta go to Shane's, be right back. Bye."
He's about the say something's but I'm already out and about. Uhh that saying is stupid to.

I make my way to Shane's tent and is about to knock when I feel a hand come over my mouth and before I know it I'm pulled into what looks like behind a barn. I didn't even take a second to glance at my kidnapper because I brought back my leg and kicked him in the nuts.
I guess it's a guy. 

I hear a groan and look back to see Rick on the ground. I am about to apologize then my brain clicks. This motherfucker tried to kidnap me. What the shit! I'm about to kick him again when he puts one hand up in surrender and I lower my leg but still stand my guard. "What the hell Ricky!?" I say.

"Damn woman, you got one hell of a kick! And he's unstable." He says. "And what do you care!" I whisper yell.
"It didn't matter! He's unstable" he says back. Making me laugh "and so are you" I say making him confused. "I'll go where I want, when I want, and with who I want." I state trying to get the point across. " ya, made who you want pretty clear" he says. "And who would that be. " I say.

"Daryl" he says. And that's it. I told him not to bring him to the conversation again and guess what he does. BRINGS HIM IN THE FUCKING CONVERSATION.
Instead of loosing my cool, I just walk away. "Ya, ganna walk away like a pussy huh?" He says making me stop dead in my tracks and turn around. Before I realize it I'm charging at the man.

I grab him by the coller making it rip in the process. I pick my knee up and kick him where the sun don't shine and while he's on the ground I grab his face and give him a couple blows till he regains himself getting on top of me "getting kinky huh officer curly?" I say through gritted teeth.

"Why not?" He says smirking which makes me punch him in his perfectly good looking jawline. God stop it Kelsey!  Him falling in the process. I'm about to punch him again till we hear commotion. We are being really quiet so it wasn't us. I guess he did pick up being somewhat quiet. " I guess you did learn how to be 17 year old sneaking out the window quiet huh?" I whisper. "Guess so" he says laughing. I hold my hand to him so he can get off the ground. Him taking it.

We look towards Shane's tent to see Lori walk out while zipping up her jeans. Not long though Shane comes out with no shirt on. He looks around and we duck before lifting our heads again to see him and Lori making out. I'm truly sorry for the man beside me. Seeing his wife making out with some guy. Must be hard. All i hear is rick about to stand until I grabbed his hand. A million sparks lit up where we touched but that's not the thing we're focusing on here. It was the actions happening in front of us. I feel his hand grip more on my hand like if he let go he would die.

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