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They opened fire. The police dove behind a desk. They ripped me up and pointed a gun to my head. I glanced at Sherlock and blinked. 2 guards were here. 1 cop. 1 Holmes. 1 Watson-Homes. I elbowed him, I took his arm over my shoulder and a ripped the gun from his hand. Sherlock has already ran the other guard into a wall and I shot 3 bullets at the guard throwing  him backyard but not injuring him because of the Kevlar. Sherlock punched him out. The police stood. It was Greg.
"Why did you need me then?" He asked.
"We didn't call you Gavin," Sherlock shrugged.
"Greg," Greg and I corrected.
"John did," I nodded.
"Right. Well. How many more are there?" Greg asked.
"3," I spoke.
"Good there is one for all of us," Sherlock smiled.
Greg and I both starred. It didn't take us long to get rid of the rest of the guards.
Everyone ran out of the hospital as soon as they heard. Sherlock, Josh, And I walked out.
"Molly," I hugged her.
"I heard. Are you ok?" She asked.
"Fine," I smiled.
She ran up to Sherlock.
"And you. Are you ok?" She asked.
"Fine," he nodded. She kissed his cheek.
"Soon to me Mr. and Mrs. Holmes. John's mad. He wants us back at Baker Street," I spoke.
They followed. I arrived at Baker St.
"John!" I called.
He came running out of the room and hugged me.

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