Awaken. Maybe?

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My head. Oh my head throbbed. My eyes were heavy.  I slowly opened them.
"Molly?" I asked weakly, seeing her.
"Ya," She squeezed my hand.
"Doctor! Doctor! She is awake!" A man yelled.
A doctor rushed in and started examining me.
I used most of my strength pushing his hand away.
"John? Where? Where's John?" I asked.
"I'm here! I'm here Vi!" He ran in with Sherlock behind him.
"She won't let me examine her. She asked for you," the doctor explained.
"It's ok. I'm a doctor," he smiled stepping forward to examine me.
"Sherlock!?" I asked.
"I'm here." His voice came with a squeeze on my shoulder.
I smiled.
"I'm here too," the male voice sounded.
"Who? Who are you?" I asked.
"I'm your! She doesn't know who I am!" The voice sounded.
"I didn't want her to know! And Vi, this is. This is your uncle. Sherlock's brother," John replied.
"Your bro-Bru-bro," darkness swirled in.

Hey y'all! How are you liking it! I am open to suggestions and dialogues if you have ideas dm me Sorry for the short chapter!

Sherlock's daughter.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora