Chapter 2

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Betty and Jughead | Ages: 14 and 15

Jughead's P.O.V:

As I laid there, a blonde angel in my arms, my thoughts drifted to the new school year that was to start soon. We were going into high school, the scariest of schools. But, we were gonna face it together and that's all that mattered. Well were we? That was my biggest fear, that I would lose her in these years. Whether it was to her new boyfriend or she found her 'girl group'. The second option soon left my mind, though. Everyone we were going to high school with were the people we had gone to school with all our lives. Southside Elementary, Southside Middle, and the newest addition to the list Southside High. We had faced all of them together, and this one wasn't gonna be different. In our small side of the town everyone knew everyone, and it was nice. I turned my head to the bedside table, looking at the clock. It read 1:37 AM. I should probably fall asleep soon. My angel and I had a jam-packed day tomorrow. Usually cuddling with her made it easier to sleep, but tonight my thoughts were just too much. I laid my head back on the pillow looking at the angel in my arms. Her blonde locks of hair were loose, her skin a perfect porcelain look. I closed my eyes as memories of us swirled in my mind. All of a sudden this faceless figure was in all of them, taking her away from me. "NO!" I screamed but it was too late. The blackness engulfed the memories showing nothing but darkness. I opened my mouth to scream into the abyss, but found that I couldn't open it. I brought my hands up to feel my mouth and it had been sewn closed. All of a sudden light flooded into the darkness through a square shape opening. I tried to shield my eyes with my hands, only to find them tied behind me as I sat in a chair. A big black figure walked up to me. It stuck it's face into mine and said, "She's mine." And walked out. I opened my eyes to be in the exact same position I had fallen asleep in. My arms had fallen slack leaving the angel laid back a little more than before. I lifted my hand to rub my eyes. When I took my hand away, I turned my head to see the clock. 7:25 AM. My alarm was set to go off in 10 minutes. I turned back to the angel, my angel. I wrapped my arms back around her, pulling her close to me. I let my mind drift off back into my thoughts. What the hell was that dream? Was something actually gonna take her away from me? Was she actually gonna leave me? I smiled at the memory of us walking back to my house when we were about 11 or 12, going into sixth grade. She was worried that she was gonna lose me, but I replied with a reassuring, "No one is better than you Betts." Or something like that. I smiled at the nickname I gave her early on in our friendship. I hated when someone else used it, and I knew she hated it too. Just like her nickname for me, Juggie. Those were for us, and only us. My mind drifted back to high school and what would change. We had already gotten our schedules, so there was nothing to be stressed over. We had requested the same classes, which we got. But we also used our brains and the inside information from our siblings. We wanted lunch B, and most people requested the lunch they wanted, which was the mistake. They always gave you the other, so guess what we did. We asked for lunch A. Both our siblings had already graduated, meaning they knew the ins and outs of that school. We were grateful for it, as they had a powerful reputation at that school. Toni and Sweet Pea were the Junior Leaders of the Southside Serpents, which meant you didn't mess with them. They had gotten the title after my step-dad was found dead, from a drug overdose. He had been their leader. Toni was the next aire and she chose Sweet Pea to help. Cyclops took over, as he was Fp's right hand-man, just until they got out of high school. Now that they were out of high school, they were the actual leaders, which held some power to our names. We weren't scared of being picked on cause, we knew that wasn't gonna happen. People knew better than to touch us, otherwise they'd have some else coming to them. My mind shifted to what would happen on our social statues. Would we have to be the mean kids? Cause that was not what we wanted to be. We wanted to be nothings. People that were there and went to class but never caused drama, nor were they apart of it. We didn't care for it. But I feared we would have to be because of our siblings. It wasn't scary, just it was gonna be hard. If we did have to do it though, I don't think we would. We are gonna be like the leaders of the teens for the serpents, but I'm okay with that, as long as my angel can lead with me. My mind drifted back to her getting her first boyfriend and him breaking her heart. Like I said earlier, everybody knows everybody, so I don't know who she'd go for. But one summer can do a lot to someone. I had seen that with my very own eyes on myself. I wasn't a weirdly portioned lanky kid anymore. I had some build to me, I had abs now and what society would call pecks. I wasn't built like Stephan though. That kid could just lightly push you and you'd take flight. Sweet Pea had taught me how to fight in case I needed it, but that was gonna be a slim to none chance. I thought about Stephan and all the other kids. Mostly the guys. I had hung out with them in the worm, but my angel was right there with me, and she didn't seem interested in anybody. Snapping me from my thoughts, the alarm started blaring. "BEEP. BEEP. BEEP." I popped my eyes open and turned my head once again, but this time taking my hand with me. I hit the snooze button and turned back around. I rested my hand on the angel's waist as she sucked in a sharp breath, preparing for a yawn. As her mouth opened wide, she took her hands away from my clothed chest and stretched them upwards. She let out a loud groan as she untangled her legs from my own and stretched them out. She flipped onto her back, relaxing all her muscles. A big smile grew on her face when she realized what day it was. She flipped back onto her side to see me smiling at her. "What?" she asked, the strain on her voice from just waking up. "Just you." I replied sitting up, the same strain on my voice. I did a little stretch and slid off the bed, her doing the same. She stood up, walking to the closet and opening the doors. A few years ago we had given each other two outfits for when we slept over, so we had something to wear. Yesterday she had brought over her bathing suit too. She grabbed a shirt and a pair of shorts and grabbed her bathing suit from my desk. She walked into the bathroom to change. I walked over to the closet, grabbing out an "S" t-shirt, my board shorts, and my crown beanie. I started to turn the knob on the bathroom and she tapped her nuckles on it, signaling that it was okay to walk in. I pushed open the door to see her brushing her hair. I walked past her and grabbed my tootbrush, and started putting toothpaste on it. I grabbed her toothbrush too, and put some paste on it. I rinsed them both, handing hers to her. She slipped it out of my fingers and placed it in her mouth and started to brush. I followed suit, soon spitting out the rements out saliva, toothpaste, and water. When the angel spit, I noticed some blood before she rinsed it down while rinsing her toothbrush. I rinsed mine too, shooting her a hard look. She looked at me, confused. "What, why are looking at me like I'm dying?" "There was some blood in the sink." I replied, worried for my angel's health. "I'm loosing my last moler, relax Juggie." The nickname gets me to relax, just like it always does. She walks out of the bathroom, me following right behind. I past her walking out of the room into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and grabbed out the eggs and some avocados. I started cutting up the avocados when I felt something slip into my back pocket. I figured it was my phone, that was in my room, and I figured that Betty had gotten it for me. I cracked two eggs into the pan, setting the shells into the sink. The egg carton slipped away from view and was replaced with bacon that I then set in the microwave. I heard the toaster go off, and the bread slip out and onto a plate. I saw the porcelain fingers grab the avocado slices and place them on the toast. I used the spatula and slipped the eggs onto the plates, turning off the stove. I rinsed the pan and heard the microwave go off, as well as it opening. Then I heard the clacking of the plastic plates on the wood table. 

Betty's P.O.V:

As I sat down with both our plates I smiled at the quick pace of it all. That was our routine in the morning when I slept over here. It was different at my trailer, a different breakfast was made and the events were in a different order. Jug finished washing the pan and came to sit down when we heard a door open. Toni sauntered out of her room, a smile on her face. I always set 5 pieces of bacon on the plate for Jug to put in the microwave, so Toni could steal one. "Why are you so happy?" I asked. "I may have met a girl yesterday." she said, stealing that piece of bacon. "Toni thats so great!" I exclaimed. I got up to hug her in excitement. "Wait," I realized something, pulling back from the hug,"Where?" "She's new in town. She has a brother." As she said brother she smirked at me. I just giggled and sat down, grabbing my phone to send Sweets a text. 

B- dont forget im not gonna be home until later its jugs birthday

SP- of course ill see you tonight b

B- are you gonna be okay by yourself

SP- im 22 b ill be fine plus i heard theres a new family in town so ill go see if theres a guy to hang out with or a girl to crush on

B- theres a girl shes gay toni already talked to her but there is a dude idk how old tho

SP- okay ill prob make my way over there then prob hang out at the worm

B- okay be safe

SP- i will have fun at the beach

B- i will love you sweets

SP- love you too b

I switched my phone off and bit into my toast. "What's Sweets doin' without you today?" Jug asked. "Anything normal." I giggled. "True, your always hanging out with me." He smiled his big smile, my oceans crinkled into his eyelids. "I'm not sure it was the best use of my time." He reached over the table, lightly slapping me on the arm. I laughed and went back to eating my food. We finished our breakfast in silence, both looking at our phones. I stood up, walking back into jug's room. I grabbed my clothes from the night before and walked out back into the kitchen. "Ready?" I asked. He nodded his head and past me to go into his room. I walked out the door into the warm summer air. I walked across the path and into my trailer, putting my clothes in the hamper, making a mental note to replace the clothes in Jug's trailer. I grabbed my spare charger, a hair brush, the picnic basket I made last night, and my Serpent jacket. I slipped my jacket over my shoulders, the cold leather hugging me. I smiled at the look of it on my body, my curves accentuated. I was never one to flaunt or love my body, but in the jacket it was like I was flawless. I looked at myself in the mirror, my smile growing bigger. I was wearing a black halter top bikini that was covered in roses. My bottoms were covered in jean shorts that were fraied at the bottom and pretty short. I grabbed my ankle cut black converse and slid them over my feet. "You ready?" I heard from behind me. "Yep!" I replied, the big smile still on my face. I walked out of my room with Jug and out the door. Before I closed it I yelled into the trailer, "Bye sweets!" I heard a muffled, "Bye B!" from my brothers room. With that I closed the door and bounded down the steps, into Toni and Jughead's truck. 

Holding Back |~| A Bughead StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora