Does he really love me chapter 12

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"Cause....... I love you." Reiji whispered. "Emm uh Wait what." I blushed. "Y/n, I've loved you ever since you came into the mansion." He said. "R-reiji I emm." I stuttered nervously. Ring ring. "I-i-i'll see you at home." I blushed.

Quickly, I ran to my science room. I pulled out my wooden chair and sat down beside Hiro. "You okay y/n?" He asked. "Y-yeah." I stuttered. I looked away from Hiro. "I-I'm just tried." I lied.

Time skip

Everyone was silent. I avoided eye contact with Reijis blood red orbs.
I felt his eyes on me. I nervously started to shake. "Y/n you okay?" Yui whispered. "Y-yeah I'm j-just tried." I whispered back with voice cracks. The limo stopped and everyone got out. "Y/n can I talk to you?" Reiji asked. "S-sure." I stuttered. Gently, he grabbed my hand. I blushed fifty shades of red. "R-reiji." I whispered. "I want to apologize for my actions early." He apologized. "R-reiji I didn't run away because I didn't like you back, it's because I just didn't know what to do." I said shyly. "I j-just need some space." I whispered.

"I understand." He whispered. Blinking away my tears I sprinted to my room. "Ughhhhh what do I do." I sighed. "What if he's..... he's using m-me for my blood." I whispered. "He said himself killing me was a waste of blood." I salty tear fell down my red puffy face. "Does he really love me?"

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