"Coco will eat." She replied with a little pout.

"And who needs to do brushie for that?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Coco." She mumbled obediently.

"And what do I get in return?"

A kiss. Obviously. Our morning ritual it was and I got it from my baby before she crawled under the duvet and hopped out for the washroom.


The rest of the day remained even. I had a small meeting with Stella, my assistant and Ayaz, my co-worker from AURA Internationals . Both of them were living in a five star hotel provided by the company itself and came to meet me on my new address in the late afternoon, to discuss about the Amaya Malik wedding project.

After they left, I sketched out some rough designs and contacted few fabric wholesellers. Damped my phone thereafter when they asked for a excessively high amount to work for me.

Later in the evening I sat down with my baby with her study lessons. She was going to miss school for nearly a month but that didn't mean she was allowed to skip her studies too.
Nonetheless, she thought exactly what she was not supposed to and started throwing her sweet tantrums, one after another.

"Mommy, its my favourite cartoon's time."

"Its study time Coco." I reminded her in a slightly heavy tone. "Come, read this poem with me."

Grumpily, she read the poem twice and came up with her new excuse very soon.

"Mommy, I'm shleepy." She said yawning.

"Enough of your excuses Coco! Now if you don't study for the next one hour at a stretch, I'll make sure you don't get to watch t.v for the next three days!!" I replied rolling my eyes.

My baby was crazy herself and was making me go crazy as well, while I missed my mom for not being there with me. Had she been there today, she'd have handled Coco perfectly enough to spare me from another headache!

As for now, I just needed to be patient (something which I was never good at) and hope that my baby listened to me...... only if it was that easy!

"I am hungry, mommy!" She complained next.

A deep sigh escaped my throat.

They say that babies come as angels in our lives. It is undoubtedly true for if Coco wasn't there in my life, I would have died long back. But then handling such a hyperactive child is not easy too. It is a mamoth task, the most difficult part of which is that even if you get tired, you have no option to give up!

"Memorize the table of 2. I'm coming with your nutella sandwich." I said and got up.

But before I could enter the kitchen, the door bell rang and I had to head towards the door instead.

And once I opened it, I received yet another great shock.

"You!!!!" I exclaimed to my visitor in an awe stuck voice.

"Yes. Its me." Replied my visitor. And well, she was none other than the filthy rich, classy, sassy and the very elegant Amaya Malik herself!

"How did you get my address?" I shot my immediate question as I got my normal voice back.

"Won't you ask me in?" Amaya smiled and never waited for my replied, just stepped inside hopping like a long lost best friend. "Hey, is that your baby? Can I hold her??" Excited, she chirped next.

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