·Connor x Hank·

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·Connor P.O.V.·
  Things could be worse. Deviants won peacefully but that doesn't mean people will stop hating us... I got fired because I was "untrustworthy". Hank is letting me stay at his place, which is extremely kind of him, ever since I became deviant I haven't had anything to do. Late nights with Lieutenant, walking Sumo, sometimes visiting Markus and his boyfriend. But most of the time I just stay inside, staring at nothing, just.. There. I don't have missions or a code to follow. I'm my own person but I don't know what to do... I just exist.
The door clicks open.
"Hey, Connor." Hank peers in the front door.
It's 4 already?
"Hello, Lieutenant." I say in my usual monotone voice.
He sits down next to me on the couch, the entire thing moving a bit to one side because of his weight.
"Listen, son, you don't have to call me 'Lieutenant' anymore. We're more than that now, we're friends, not co-workers."
I look down. I was hurt by that...
"We're not co-workers any more.."
I miss working.. I miss working with Lieute-... Hank.
I snap up and look at him. "Connor..." Why does he look so sad..? He leans over and hugs me. "Don't cry, son. What's wrong?". I was crying? I didn't even know....
"I.. Don't know.."
Hank rubs circles on my back trying to calm me down. I embrace the fact that I was crying and break down. Might as well, right? I haven't really cried in a long time.
Hank has always been there for me.. He's never always cared but now... He's there every time I can't be there for myself.  Everyone has their person they love, Markus has Simon, Kara has her family...I never thought I could have something like that. But I realize now... I do have that... I have Hank, and I.... I love him.
   I pull away from him and move my face to his, kissing him.
I fell onto my back,
"Connor?! What the fuck?!"


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