So Kagome relaxed and accepted her pregnancy, excited at the thought of having Inuyasha's baby, as well as having her baby around the same time as Sango. The two women would often spend the day together, planning clothes, toys, decorations and anything else for when their babies arrived.

Kagome wanted her baby's room to be right next to hers and Inuyasha's, she also wanted the room have a puppy dog design around the edge.

She also had a cradle made, specially ordered to be made from branches of the sacred god tree. (goshingboku.)

"What a wonderful idea Kagome, the crib is so beautiful." Sango had said, running her hand over the smooth edge of the cradle.

Miroku and Shippo agreed with her, moving the cradle into he room across the hall with the puppy dog design on it.

Time began to pass by, days turned to weeks, and weeks began to turn into two months. Sango and Kagome looked more and more pregnant every day, with Sango being nine months pregnant and Kagome being four.

Then one day, the days Sango and Miroku had been waiting for came. Sango gave birth.

Kagome held her hand as she cried from the pain, and cried tears of joy when Sango was handed her baby boy.

Sango's boy had Miroku's dark hair, but Sango's beautiful eyes.

Kagome stepped out of the room as Miroku stepped in, to give the two a moment alone with their new son.

She sat with Shippo outside, telling him about Sango and Miroku's baby and letting him feel her stomach where her own baby was.

"I felt it kick!" he said, his eyes shining with joy. Kagome smiled at him and told him that her baby knew it was him. She was beginning to wonder why her baby was growing so quickly, she was only four months pregnant, but she looked like Sango when she had been seven months pregnant! Kagome decided to ask Kaede about it.

Kaede assured Kagome that nothing was wrong with her baby, and that everything was completely normal. At Kagome's confused look, she explained that because Inuyasha was half demon, the gestation period was different for her baby. She said most demons are pregnant for only about 5-6 months, but in the case of a human and a demon, the gestation period was about 6-7 months.

(Gestation period- the length that a person/animal is pregnant, for example, a human's gestation period is 9 months. Just in case anyone didn't know)

Kagome was relieved, she had been curious about that for a while and wasn't sure weather it was her or her baby.

After visiting Kaede, Kagome decided to go and visit Sango, Miroku and young Kohaku, which Miroku insisted they name their son, much to Sango's joy.

The three friends talked for several hours, Kagome even got to hold Kohaku, imagining what will be like to hold her own baby in her hands.

After a while Kagome decided to leave the happy family for a while and make her way home, bidding Shippo a good night as she headed into her room. Shippo waved good night to her as well and went into his own room. After the group had settled down, Inuyasha and Kagome asked Shippo to live with them. So now he stayed with Kagome and kept her company while Inuyasha was gone.

Time passed, days turned into more weeks, and weeks turned into two more months.

Kagome was now seven months pregnant, and was expecting any day. Sango and Kaede moved in for a while, the keep an eye on Kagome and to help her out around the house.

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