I promise

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"I'll be back, I promise." He said. Kagome sniffed and started crying, taking comfort in his arms. Inuyasha wrapped his arms around her and held her close, savoring their last moment together until he returned.

"Promise me you'll come back safely." Kagome said, burying her face in his shoulder.

"I promise." Inuyasha said, kissing her cheek. He took a step back and smiled at her before pulling his fire rat shirt off and handing it to her.

"What are you-" Kagome started, but Inuyasha cut her off. "I want you to keep this, as a seal for my promise." He said, but that was not the real reason he gave it to her. He wanted her to have something of his, something to remind her of him if something ever did happen to him.

"I'll always keep it close to me." Kagome said, clutching the shirt tightly. Inuyasha nodded to her and turned to face his friends, who were standing next to the village entrance.

He shook hands with Miroku. "Keep an eye on all of them." He said, (meaning Sango, Kagome, Shippo and Kelala.)

Miroku nodded. "I will." He said, he placed a hand on Sango's shoulder.

Inuyasha shook Sango's hand next. "Watch out for Kagome for me, in case something does happen to me." He said. Sango nodded.

"Don't worry Inuyasha, will take good care of her." She said, placing a hand on her swollen stomach. "Take care of yourself as well." Inuyasha said, nodding towards her stomach.

"I want to see your kid when I get back." He said, Sango nodded and Miroku wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

Inuyasha knelt down to Shippo's height. "Keep an eye on Kagome for me, ok?" he said, Shippo nodded, his eyes filling up with tears at the fact of losing the man he saw as his foster father.

"You too Kelala." Inuyasha said, petting her on the head, Kelala meowed and sat next to Shippo.

Inuyasha stood up straight. His gaze moving down the line of his friends. Miroku... Sango... Shippo... Kelala... Kagome. His true love. His gaze stopped at her, and she smiled weakly at him, her eyes filled with tears.

"Be safe." She said, glancing down at his fire rat shirt. Inuyasha nodded to her. "Count on it, nothing in the world could keep me away from my family." He said.

Then he hugged her one last time, and leaned over to whisper in her ear.

"Keep watching the horizon, caus' one day I'll be coming back, coming back the same way I left."

Then without another word he took off running, a single tear running down both cheeks as he ran, headed straight for the war he was going to fight in.

As soon as he took off, Kagome ran forward a few steps and waved, she saw him turn and wave back to her before he disappeared into the trees.

The first few weeks of Inuyasha's absence were difficult, as well as quiet. Sango, Miroku and Shippo suffered, but not nearly as much as Kagome. They would often see her wandering around the village, her beautiful face clouded and her eyes filled with tears. Most of the time she sat under Inuyasha's favorite tree, running her hand over the smooth bark and muttering 'sit'

The first time Kagome smiled was a month after Inuyasha had left. She smiled as she told Sango and Miroku her special news. Both the news and the smile shocked them both; they had never expected to see Kagome pregnant as such a young age.

Kagome was surprised as well, she and Inuyasha weren't planning on having children until he got back, but fate had chosen differently.

At first, Kagome was worried that she was too young to be a mother, but Sango assured her that she was fine, reminding her that most girls were married and pregnant by 18 as well. (Kagome's 18)

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