(14) Back In The Team

Start from the beginning


Evan took a deep breath before pushing the oak doors open. There sat the man he despise, the man he dreads calling a father. On the desk sat three files, "Do you know the reason of why I called you here today?" Saito's voice deepens as he stood up, circling Evan. Evan shook his head, it was true, he doesn't know why he's being called in the first place. "You see these files? Cody have been doing some work. And what about you? What have you done the pass few months??" Saito stopped in front of Evan, "I'm assigning you to another task-" Evan's heart stopped. But Tyler isn't in any condition! "My apologies, but my partner is not yet ready," Saito slammed his palm on the desk, provoking Evan, "Did I say you and Tyler? No. I said that I'm assigning you." His deep voice echoed inside Evan's mind. Evan girpped his hands, trying to stop himself on talking back. "I'm afraid I cannot. Me and Tyler are a team, we don't leave each others back." Evan shot back, staring back up to his father's eyes. Saito raised a brow, "or you can't do it because you're so dependent on Tyler." Evan shook his head, don't let the sh*tstack get in your way, a useful advice from Craig.

"I see..." Evan turned his head up right before a blow of force came to hit his left face, making him stumble down the floor, "I did NOT raise you to be Dependent on others, Evan Fong." His father yelled, probably loud enough for the lobby to reach, and Evan had just enough of that, "that's because you didn't raise me." He breathed, standing up a bit, he could feel a bruise forming on his left besides his eye, "pardon me?" Saito asked in disbelief that the son he took in was talking back at him. "You always left me alone in the house, hooking up with your secretaries!" Evan glared back onto his father, raising his voice. "I want you to lower down your voice young man," Saito threathened as Evan took another step closer to him. "I am not gonna let you trash talk about how you raise me because you never did." Just as Evan stepped in front of him, Saito suppressed his anger, "If you disobey my rules, I will dispatch Tyler from the agency and ruin your friends lives." His eyes filled with cockiness because just after that Evan stood still, not daring to take another step or say another word, "useless child, dismissed." Saito straightened back his suit and got back to his chair, Evan took a few more seconds before leaving the office.
His hands formed into fists and his head shook down, he didn't even notice Cody at the side of the door.

Evan pushed the doors open to the room Tyler was set in, he walked to the side of the bed then fell down to his knees and let the tears fall out. "Tyler.. you b*tch, This would be a really good time for you to come back..." He sobbed, he got no one to talk to now that Tyler's in a comma, the door to the room slowly opened, "Evan?", Evan raised his head from the bed then his eyes adjusted slowly before realizing, "Craig? David? Lui? What are you guys doing here?" Evan then looked at Marcel who was holding the door open, the three guys came in and hugged Evan, "you bastard, how could you keep something like this from us?!" Lui asked as he hugged Evan, Evan chuckled and wiped his tears, "so that we could protect you guys." He shrugged as David came in and hugged him, "that's a b**ch move. Good thing Craig had followed Marcel, he knew something was up." Marcel just rubbed the back of his neck, "and I pretty much think that you could use the company." He spoke, Craig grinned, "Man, if we hadn't threatened Marcel, you would've drown in this by your own." He patted Evan's back then looked over the sleeping Tyler, "is he gonna be alright?" Lui stood right next to Tyler, Evan nodded a bit, "the doctor said he would be fine, just give him a few more days." Evan spoke without thinking, they all just stared at him before shrugging it off.

"Alright then-" "Could we join in your agency?" Lui asked, hope filled his eyes, David on the other hand was kinda surprised, "what? No! You could get shot!" He reasoned as Lui placed a frown, "but..." Evan and Marcel looked at each other, unsure if they really should get in with this mess. "I don't know... Maybe? You guys still have to go through work and all.." the room felt silent, then Craig spoke up, "alright then," the others looked at him with the look, "well... We did force ourselves in here and we pretty much know your secret job now so... Doesn't that get us involve?" He cheekily asked as Evan chuckled, "alright then, Marcel would get you guys check." Marcel gestured for the boys to follow but not before Evan stopping him, "hey Mar, thanks..." Marcel grinned, "no problem man, you've been a good friend. One of my first friends to be exact." They both laughed then finally lead the others to the checking room, Evan glanced over to Tyler, he gently smiled, "you guys are the best family I could ever wish for."


"What's the news?" Games asked Delirious who sat on the edge of the building, "they're gonna start a fight soon..." Delirious breathed, not looking over at Games who just sat besides him, "well isn't that interesting..." Delirious glanced at his old partner, raising his eyebrow, "what are you doing here Bryce?" Delirious asked as Games giggled, "I found out that... I couldn't live normal." His face filled with disappointment and looked down, "I realized that... I could never live like the others, I won't have a normal life, I'm forever gonna be hunt down by the government, forever commit crimes... My dad was right, I will forever be a criminal." Delirious never saw Games in this state, the blonde boy was down, already feel like sobbing. Delirious placed his hand on top of Games who Immediately glanced his way, "maybe 'this' is your normal life." He spoke, Games nodded then smiled, "yeah... Maybe it is..."

The two stared down at the city lights, knowing that under the beauty, there's a fight waiting to break out soon. "I have a friend, his name is Scott a.k.a Outlaw Charles or 407. We fought then when I realised his one of my classmates, I told him about me then we became friends." Games laughed to himself, "that damn boy doesn't put on a mask, he thinks he's too sneaky," he spoke and glanced at Delirious as soon as he said the word 'sneaky'. "You got information from him?" Delirious asked and Games nodded happily, "yep, that damn boy is In love with an agent." He paused, replaying Scott ramble about the Adventure Time fanboy, "and that boy offered him to be an agent." Games grinned, "I could help our friends." He told Delirious who's eyes are widen, A criminal got an offer to be an agent? Then that kid must've liked Scott back. "When are we striking?" He asked, slowly standing up before Games stopped him, pulling his hoodie back down, "you sir are gonna stay back for a while. When they start to strike, let's sneak in and collapse their agency, for now... Let's seat back and see what happens~" Games grinned, you could practically see the words insane around him. Delirious then chuckled, he miss his psychotic partner. "You're insane as ever, aren't you Games?" He asked grinning behind his mask, Games put on a surprised impression, "pardon me, but who's the person that always laugh whenever he-" he put out his fingers in a counting manner, "-kill, destroy, get nervous, get mad-" "yeah, yeah... I'm a psycho." Even though it was covered, Games could feel Delirious grinning wildly, "Delirium. That's why we became partners." Games shrugged, the two boys continued looking at the city but this time, they were grinning ear to ear. The joker madness had come upon these two maniacs.

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