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It's night time, and I texted Drake to meet me at Fairview Park. It's a park that's wide and open, no trees anywhere.

Most people come here at night instead of the daytime, just because of the amazing view of the night sky it has.

I have a couple of blankets in my hands as I walk in, noticing that there wasn't anyone else here tonight.

It's probably because of how cold it's gotten.

"Hana?" I turn around and smile at Drake as I see him walk up to me. "Why are we here?"

"I'm here to cheer you up!" I grin, handing him one of the blankets. "Hold this for me right quick."

He takes one of the blankets in his hand and I hold the other in my hand.

"Do like I do," I order, unwrapping the blanket and spreading it on the ground. He does the same with his, and there's now a carpet of blankets on the ground.

"Now what?" He asks.

"This," I sit down on the blanket and lay down, patting the empty space beside me. "Lie down."

He does as he's told and lies down next to me.

"Tonight," I start, looking over at him. "You're getting an astronomy lesson. Now look up to the sky."

I point with my finger.

"You have the obvious Little and Big Dipper, also called the Little Bear and the Great Bear," I start. "Orion's Belt is the three bright stars that line up nearly perfectly, and if you look around that, you'll see Orion's whole body."

"There's also all the signs of the zodiac, like for example, there's Aries and Cancer," I smile as I continue pointing.

"Where's Virgo?" He asks, pointing up at the sky. "Is that it?"

"No," I chuckle. "That's Sagittarius."

I take his hand in mine lightly and move it to where it's pointing towards Virgo.

"That's it," I say, still not letting go of his hand.

It's warm in mine, and it feels good, especially with the chilly air. His hand suddenly moves, making our fingers interlock.

I stare over at him, my eyes never leaving his under the bright moonlight. Our arms that were up immediately drop down, and we just watch each other, taking in one another's features.

The next thing I know, his mouth starts moving closer to mine. I lean in as well, and I can soon feel our breath intertwine.

My eyes close, and I feel his lips graze my own.

It's a quick kiss, not even enough to really be called a kiss. There was no tongue, no moving around, it was just a peck, that's all. It ends as soon as it begins, and he backs up away from me, letting my hand go.

I sit up onto the blanket, feeling my heartbeat run on hyper drive, a tingling sensation that's coursing through my body like lightning.

What's happening to me?

"Its getting late, isn't it?" Drake asks, sitting up and obviously trying to ease the now awkward tension. "We have work tomorrow."

I stand. "You're right. We'd better get going."

I roll up the blankets and we each head out onto the sidewalk.

"I'll see you tomorrow," He says, as he waves and begins walking off in the direction of his hotel.

I wave back as well, but he doesnt see it.

"God could that have been any more awkward?" I complain to myself, as I start in the opposite direction, heading towards my apartment.


I come into the office as cheerful as ever, carrying some folders in my arms.

I was supposed to sign these yesterday, but I never got around to it.

I say hello to all of the workers, and I catch a glimpse of Drake. My eyes quickly avert from his as I hurry to head into my office.

Why am I running? It's not like I haven't ever kissed anyone before. But why did he kiss me?

I walk into my office and I drop my folders from my hands in shock. Papers fly everywhere as I walk closer to my window, my eyes widened with astoundment.

There's red paint dripping outside on my window, mimicking blood. It's a ghastly sight, and it takes me by surprise.

In red lettering it reads 'Payback is coming'.

Payback is coming? Payback for what? Changing the game?

"What happened? I heard a loud noise-" Drake stops in his tracks as he rushes through the door behind me.

"Drake call someone to clean this up," I order, not taking my eyes off the red liquid.

"Okay I will," He answers, bolting out of the door.

My fists clench tight with anger as I stare at the letters, them mocking me.

"AvaStar has gone too far," I grit my teeth. "All I need is proof that they did this and their ass is in for it."


I know, it's a short chapter, I'm sorry! There are going to be longer chapters coming up, though!

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