ch 1 (mostly edited)

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Lockwood never gave Lucy the necklace.

Italics are thoughts

Lockwood's pov

When we got a call from someone in Cheviot Hills, I knew Lucy would not want to go. Luckily I can use my charm on her to get her to agree to it.

"Hey Lockwood, I need not this coming week but the one after off, one of my sisters are getting married." Speak of the devil. And she gave me a great excuse.

"Well Luce, we actually got a call from your hometown about a case." I start.

"Are you planning on taking it?" She sounded nervous.

"Yeah, but they realized that we are far away and said that they understood if it took us a while to have enough time to actually go up there."

"So are you just going to make it the same week?"

"Could that work?"

"I guess, I know I have to stay at mom's house, but-"

"Do you think we could stay there too? It would be cheaper." She thought for a moment.

"I don't know how many of my sisters are actually going to be staying at home, but if there's space that might be possible." Oh, she still considers it home for her. What does she call where she is right now then?

"Ok, well do you think you could talk to your mom about it." She shrugged.

"I guess but there's no guarantee and I'll be expected to be with them most of the time not working."

"I understand Luce, and it's fine if we can't, we can just stay at a Hotel."

"Correction 'the hotel' there's only one where I'm from."

"Your town is smaller then I thought then." I was genuinely surprised, I knew she was from a small place but- wow.

"Yep, there also aren't cabs, so we walk, or ride a bike if we don't have a car, or can't technically drive."

"Wow, ok good to know." Honestly it sounded painful.

"Ok, well I'll go call my mom." Almost as soon as she walks out George walks in.

"What, were you waiting out there? She literally just left." I laugh.

"Did you mention the case?" He sat down.

"Yeah, I need to call the client and make sure that two weeks is ok."

"We're going in two weeks?"

"We'll have a full week here before we leave."

"So how did you get her to agree to it?"

"She actually asked me for that week off, so that she could go up there for a wedding."

"You do realize that Lucy will be preoccupied with her family then."

"Yeah, I know, we can work around that."

"Are we staying at a hotel?"

"If we can't stay at her mom's house, then we will stay at the hotel."


"And no cabs."

"Fun." With that he picked up a comic book and starts reading. A few minutes later Lucy walked back in.

"Ok so we can all stay at my mom's but since Mary, Sarah and I are all going to be home, two of you will have to share a room."

"That'll be fine. I need to call the client and make sure the weeks work right." A few minutes later, I called the client, they were ok with the wait.

"Hey Luce, how long is the train ride the Cheviot Hill?"

"Around two hours." She said not looking up from her drawing.

"Are you ok, you seem a bit off."

"Hhmm? Yeah I'm ok, just really trying to concentrate on this."

"What are you drawing."

"Actually... you, the light is coming in just right. It's like perfect." She blushed.

"Can I see?"

"In a minute, just sit still and let me finish." A few minutes later she showed me. It was amazing, I knew that she could draw, but I had never seen her draw and actual living person. It was always ghosts, and other random things.

"Oh my God Luce, this is amazing!"

"Thanks," She said quietly and looking down she blushed. She's so cute when she's bashful, hell she's always cute. Especially now that she's grown her hair out some and when she- no Anthony you're her boss, and best friend, and she's not going to see you as anything else. When I was lost in thought she must have taken her sketch- book from me and left, because when I looked around she was gone.

"Why don't you just ask her out already?" George asked from behind me.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I lied.

"I know you have a thing for Lucy, it's pretty obvious."

"I do not." I lied again.

"Then why did you zone out and get some silly look on your face when she showed you the picture?"

"Fine, I like her. But it's not like I can just ask her out."

"Why not."

"I'm her boss, George, just like I am yours."

"Yeah, but you're also both teens, and we're also a group of friends, not just co-workers and a boss."

"That's part of it too, I don't want to mess up the situation we have here."

"Hey Holly! Come here."

"What are you doing?" I asked before she came in.

"You'll see." Then Holly came in.

"What's up guys?"

"Do you think he should as out Lucy?"

"I ship Locklyle. Go ask her."

"Why did you already have a ship name, for us?"

"Would you prefer Lucewood? Because we could use either."

"Did Tony finally ask her out then?" Quill asks walking in.

"How long have you been doing this?"

"How long ago did she leave?" George asked.

"I was going with how long she's been back." Quill said before I could answer.

"Okay, I get it, you all now I like her. I'm gunna go put a sword in a dummy."

"Leave Quill alone, you've already stabbed his arse." George said. Quill turned to George.

"You have one minute to run." The second the words left his mouth, George was out the door. We all burst out laughing. "I should probably get after him, he could use the exercise."

"Yeah, okay I'm really headed down now."

"Wait, did you ask Luce yet?"

"Yeah, we can stay at her mom's house, I'll probably end up sharing a room with Quill, but it'll work out."

"Okay, now you can go practice."

"Good, I need some sort of exercise." With that I finally get to go stab a straw dummy. I was starting to get stresses out with them telling me to ask Lucy out.

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