Destroyer of the Universe

Start from the beginning

The crowd cheered. Soldiers were shouting and beating their weapons against their shields. They were fired up, and ready to fight.

As Loki signed, the attack began, the two armies collided into each other, and the sound of metal crashing into metal filled the air. On the ground, the Vanirs marched against the alien soldiers, while in the air Asgardian ships did their deadly dance with the enemy. From a nearby hill, a group of well educated elite archers were following Clint's lead, as they covered the soldier's back. The group of Jotuns with the Hulk broke in the front lines in the middle, and marched ahead, clearing the way for the remaining Vanir and Asgardian forces. So far everything went as planned, but the hardest part was just about to come.

Flames surrounded the battleground, as you marched into the middle. You were in your Muspel form, and you burned down everything in your way without thinking, and easily stepped over the dead bodies, as you strut with your axe in hand in the direction of the Avengers.

"Where are you, my friends? Come out and greet me!" you shouted while constantly shooting fire all around, killing as many people as you could.

Death followed you with every step you took. You were stronger than ever thanks to the Eternal Flame, and you rose high above everyone, just like Surtur himself back in Muspelheim. Your eyes were glowing with evil lights, there was nothing human left in them. Your true nature took over control and you were ready to set everything on fire and destroy the known world. Like father, like daughter. The ice and snow were already melting under the battlefield as the flames were rising higher and higher, and the temperature was rising. You needed to be stopped, or Jotunheim would collapse and melt away like it never existed.

Loki had mixed feelings when he first caught a glimpse of you. The God of Mischief recognised you immediately, yet still, there was something strange about you. You weren't yourself, and he had no idea how he could bring you back. He needed to win a little time, while they figure out how to take you down. But with every second they waste, you caused more death and pain and brought Ragnarok a bit closer.

"Guys, we need to stop her now, or she'll destroy not just our army, but whole Jotunheim!" he called the others. The Avengers quickly made their way through the fight and flames and surrounded you with weapons in hand. You were walking around, eyeing them like a wolf ready to attack. You were unpredictable and they had no idea if you would really hurt them or not.

"Oh my, the whole little group is here. Long time no see. Are you ready to play with fire?" your voice was cold and vile. Nothing like your old self.

"(Y/n), we are here to help you! We don't want to hurt you, please stop this madness!" Steve looked at you with his shield in his hand and ready to move, but his eyes were begging for you to surrender. None of them wanted to hurt you if not necessary.

"But I will hurt you." As the word left your mouth, a circle of high flames surrounded your friends, leaving no way to escape. "Now you will regret that you left me alone to die in that cell. You will regret what you've done to me. I am (y/n) Surturdottir, the Destroyer of the Universe, and will pray for me for your lives." With this, you shot a fireball at Steve, but he easily blocked it with his shield.

Loki's mind was racing, he had to find a way to distract you, and win some time to make a plan. He hoped that if you saw him and the others, you would break through the lies filling your mind and return to them. But it wasn't happening and he had to do something. He finally stepped in front of you, looking into your yellow eyes burning with hate:

"You don't have to do this. We want you to come home. I'm not going to fight you. I know you're in there and hear me. I still love you." While saying these words, he gave the others a look, hoping that they would understand and join in.

"I have no choice! I was made to bring the world down to ashes. This is my fate. You can't stop me. Come on, and fight! Be a man, Iceboy!" you smirked at him provocatively.

"You can fight this if you try, Lady (y/n)! Remember the good times with us. For example when you and Loki painted my hair blue," Thor stepped ahead. He understood Loki's plan, and soon everyone joined in.


You stood in the circle of flames surrounded by your so-called friends and lover. You were keen to finally meet and fight them. All this time you were waiting for this moment to watch them burn one by one, but now they refused to fight and ruined everything. They were instead telling you old memories like it could melt your heart away. Those times were over when they left you in that cell like an animal. There was no mercy, you wanted to fight. You wanted to fulfil your fate and make a new world to come. You attacked them, tried to provoke and tease them, but they refused to fight back.

While this was happening on the outside, in the back of your head your true self was trying to break free. You saw your friends and Loki. They were here, they didn't forget about you. You heard all the things they were saying about you, how they cared for you and wanted you back. How Loki loved you. It was enough to fire up your will to live again, to take a chance and try to break free. You were fighting hard to push back your dark persona, who was constantly shooting at the others. You wanted to make it stop before one of them gets seriously injured. You concentrated as hard as you could on their voice, trying to revive all the memories they were telling you. To find a way back to your old life and make the chaos in your head go away.

As you finally gained back control over your body you shook your head and looked around confused. You were standing in the middle of the battleground surrounded by flames and dead bodies. You saw Loki and the Avengers. You wanted to take a step, to tell them it's you and the fight is over, but suddenly you heard Tony shouting:


Heavy, cold snow covered and buried you under itself. It knocked you off your feet, and covered your entire body, pushing the air out of your lungs. They used your moment of mental fight and confusion and trapped you somehow under the snow. Your flames were slowly disappearing, and after a very long time, you were in your human form again. The snow was so cold, your limbs became numb and unable to move in seconds. You were trapped under the heavy snow. You tried to move or shout, but there was no voice coming out of your throat. The cold wrapped you around, and slowly everything became dark...

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