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After that, not much happened. I dropped out of high school. And was on the run for awhile. If you ask me, I think this I could've done better.

Going to my favorite place.

A bridge. In North Carolina.

I finally open my letter.

It's in her hand writing. Her perfect hand writing.


Nick, I'm so sorry, for what you're going through. But I need you to know a few things. This isn't your fault.

I did this for me. So that I could be free. I hope I am free. I know what people are going to say about me. That I'm weak, and did something stupid.

Which yea, okay, this was stupid. I know problems pass. But I've been dealing with this one since I was born.

I've self harmed as long as I can remember. Which I'm glad you knew.

I want you to know that I love you. I have since we started talking and I always will.

You became my best friend when I needed you most. I'm sorry this is how our story had to end. But mostly my sorry for you not walking into my life sooner.

I Love You so much.

But you were good to me.

So I guess this is goodbye. Cause I can't just keep writing forever. I mean, I have two other letters to write. But just know. Ours was my favorite story, and had the best chapters.

And I'll miss you. And I'll love you forever.

-Alexis Longheart <3

After reading, my letter. I jump.

At 23 years old. I killed myself.

Cause living without her for 5 years, was as far as I could go.

So I ended it. On her birthday. She would've been 22 today.

I needed her to survive.

A bet, turned love, turned death.

I'll always love her. And now we can be together.

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