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The next day we got terrible news. That I already knew.

The whole school did.

The whole freaking town.

"Students, we regret to inform you that *sigh* over the last weekend we lost someone very dear to us. I know you'll all find out more than I tell you. But just know that the school is here for you. The student we lost Alexis Longheart, we found dead in her room yesterday morning." The principal cut off there.

Hearing her name hurt.

Hearing anything about her hurt.

And now everyone was going to be talking about her.

I just kept thinking.

How could she.

How could Lexi do that.

The girl I'd loved. My last love. The one I'll always love.

How could she just throw away her life like that.

Why would she.

Problem was I knew all the answers to the questions. Any question that they asked. I knew the answers. I could have told them. I could have told the cops too. But I didn't. There wasn't a point too.

She was gone. And I couldn't live with that.

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