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I leave my last class early. I stand outside the door. When the bell rings, I grab Alexis as she comes out of class. "Wha?" She stops, when she sees it's me, "Dominick." She says. Everyone calls me Nick, so it's funny to hear her say my full name.

I grab her hand and take her back to my car. "Really?" She asks.

"Just get in." I say, playfully.

"Whatever." She says.

I get in and start driving. I pull into a mcdonalds. "What kind of ice cream?"

"Um... M&M mcfulry." She says, not missing a beat.

I order our ice creams and pay. When we get them I hop out of the car. Alex follows my lead. We sit in the bed of my truck, which has lots of blankets in it. My friends and I take it a lot of places and we sleep in it.

"Nice." She says.

"I know right."

"But if you're trying to get me to sleep with you, you're going to need to try harder." She says, keeping a straight face.

"I'm not." I say. And truly I'm not. I'm trying to get her to fall for me, and then sleep with me. Not that it's going well. I think she's working her magic more than I am.

"Good, cause you're not my type." She states.

"Hun, I'm everyones type." I say. I'm not. But I can be, or I can try.

She just laughs. It's a cute girl laugh. When we finish our ice cream, I drive her home.

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