"Stay with your damn girls."

"Nope. I rather stay with my beloved son."

I giggle. I find it cute how Mr. Wang can bicker with his mother.

"So what's a brunch again?" I ask as we arrive at a restaurant.

"Breakfast and lunch combined. Brunch." Mr. Wang explains.

"Ohhhhhhh! That's what it is." I nod my head.

I never knew such a thing existed.

"Why did you invite me master?" I ask once we exit the car.

Mr. Wang doesn't answer my question, he just walks to the entrance of the restaurant.

"Is it because you don't want to be alone?"

"Just come inside Mr. Tuan." Mr. Wang opens the door to the restaurant.

I'm still curious why he told me to come.

We enter a very rich looking restaurant. Just looking at the design makes me feel broke. But the food looks amazing.

"Are we going to eat?" I feel my mouth water.


I stare at Mr. Wang with my mouth open.

"But-we-how-what?" I stammer.

"But we how what? We aren't eating."


Mr. Wang must've woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

Mr. Wang leads me to a table with people I don't know.

"Well well well. Look who finally decided to show up." A man stands up to greet us.

I don't even look at him. All I see is the food on the table.

"Sit." Mr. Wang whispers to me.

I sit down. Mr. Wang on my left and some girl on my right. I honestly don't see anything but the food.

Steaming hot ramen, braised short ribs and chicken, an array of soups. I think I might cry from the sight and the smell of this delicious food.

"Mark? Is that really you?" I turn to the female voice whispering to me.

"Oh. Hi Mai." I smile at the familiar girl.

"I see you really do work for Mr. Wang." Mai smiles but it seems a bit forced.

"Yeah." I don't really care about this conversation. My stomach is in need of attention.

"Jackson, if I may ask, why are you so late?" A man asks.

"I'm here aren't I? At least I came." Mr. Wang shrugs.

The man across from him scoffs.

"Really? And you really made him the CEO of our company? You're kidding right."

"Namjoon, calm down. This is what this meeting is for. To see if Jackson should keep his title." The man in the boss seat explains.

I finally zone out of my food dreamland once I hear those words.

If Mr. Wang should keep his title?

The Namjoon guy, smirks.

"I think he's been doing well. Our stocks haven't dropped since he's been running the place." Another person I don't know speaks.

"You're right. It hasn't." The big boss guy rubs his beard.

"But dad, he doesn't allow new employees into the company. He's so strict." Mai intervenes.

Yes Master: A Markson Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now