Fred grins down at her. "We stole it from Filch's office. Professor Snape caught us with it, reckon he's gonna try and take it back from now on. He looked a little spooked when he saw us with it actually. So, we decided we'd let you have a go with it for a while."

"Keep it safe. Use it wisely. It's a power." George chimes.

"This is incredible. I wonder who made it?"

Aurora fingers traced over the Marauders imprint.

An odd sense of familiarity popped into her head. She didn't know why that name sounded so familiar. Marauders?


"Padfoot?" she whispers, the name sounded both familiar and foreign. "Why does that sound so familiar? Padfoot. Have you two ever heard of that before?"

"Got no idea Rory, but we owe them a massive thank you."

"Don't forget to wipe it after you use it. Mischief managed."

"We'll see you tomorrow, Quidditch training." Fred reminded her. She blinks, forgetting she had Quidditch. "Careful going back up to the common room. Filch is always looking to get you into trouble."

"Get a good night sleep, Little Black." George pats her head affectionately.

She puts the map back into her pocket and waves them a goodbye. "Night boys."

When the Weasley Twins leave she is left to her own thoughts. This map would do so much. She would be able to tell if the Professors were in the classes. Whether Filch was wondering the halls, there was loads of things. How could someone make this?

They'd have to be genius.

Perhaps it was from an older group of students, maybe from last year or a couple years ago.

Aurora leaves the kitchens, and goes towards one of secret Tunnels by the Hufflepuff common room.

"Black!" someone suddenly says from behind her, immediately a sigh escapes her lips. She turns around and sees Filch who holds a grudge wearing expression on his face. He points a finger. "Out of bed! Again!"

"Filch if you report me again-"

"Student out of bed!" he screeched. His voice goes through her head, and if she had her wand she would of hexed him. "Come with me to your year head!"

"Do I have to-"

"This is your eighth warning about being out of bed past hours."

"Come on then," she goes towards him, "Let's go wake up McGonagall."

After a lecture from McGonagall and Lupin (who was awoken by the fuss) about how dangerous it was to be out of bed, a few minutes past two o clock Aurora trudged back to her dormitory.

In her hand was a biscuit she managed to steal from McGonagall's drawer.

She went to bed that night wondering who the fuck Padfoot was?

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