"It's fine, I'll just walk back alone. Are you still going to come over later?" I asked him and he shrugged.

 "Maybe, I don't want to wake you up though," he smiled.

 "You're actually going to let her walk home alone in the pitch black? What kind of boyfriend does that?" Kyle snorted and Wren immediately glared at Kyle in response.

 "She is able to walk by herself, she doesn't need to hold my hand at all times," Wren rolled his eyes.

 "It's eleven o'clock on a Friday night, we're not exactly in the safest neighbourhood and you're not even going to walk her home and then come back?" Kyle rolled his eyes and laughed. "I'll take you home, Angel. It seems you need to know what it's like to be treated right by a guy."

 Wren walked forwards and shoved Kyle's chest. "Do not call my girlfriend Angel," he spat at him. "I will walk her home, just piss off!" He snapped.

 "Wren, stop it!" I yelled at him and pulled him off of Kyle. "You obviously want to stay here so Kyle can take me home. It'll be easier if you just get a cab home, I'll see you on Monday," I sighed and turned to head to Kyle's car.

 "Bye Wren," Kyle sung over at him and I almost felt like screaming at him also but I walked straight towards Kyle's car and stand at the door until he unlocked it for me. "What a jackass," Kyle muttered to himself as he unlocked the car doors so that we could both climb in.

 I looked out of the window at Wren watching us and felt angry, he knew I got anxious in social situations and as my boyfriend should be okay if I needed to leave? I always tell him I don't need him to "save me" in any way but I do need the support of my friends and my family to get through the anxiety. "Why are you even with him?" Kyle sighed and started up the car.

 I was silent in response and leaned my head against the window.

 The car moved down the familiar road towards our house and I was recognising the houses as we approached the house quickly. Seeing as it was a short drive back to the house we were there fast and I was able to immediately climb out of the car.

 "Angel," Kyle called out to me.

 I sighed and turned to face him. "What? Do you want to tell me I'm a bad person for being with Wren? Or say I don't actually like him? What are you trying to achieve? You didn't want me so why does this matter?" I almost yelled at him with my voice cracking.

 He fell silent. "I don't know what I want," he shook his head at me. "We are so different and our lives are so different, but something about you makes me want to change everything I've done in the past. I don't know what, I don't know what to do Angel."

 "How many girls have you used that on?" I scoffed with a roll of my eyes.

 "I haven't ever said shit like that Esme and you know it," his voice sounded hurt and angry at what I had said.

 "Well what do you want me to do Kyle? I'm with Wren and he makes me happy, why would I give that all up for a guy who doesn't know what he wants and that I don't know if I can trust?" I shrugged.

 "You don't want him, that's why. You want me and we both know it," he stepped forwards so that my back was pressed against the rough brick exterior of the house and his hands snaked their way to my waist. "Tell me to stop and I will," he breathed and leaned down to brush his lips against mine.

His AngelWhere stories live. Discover now