26; Party With Angel

Start from the beginning

 "You're so strong Esme," he grinned down at me. We found ourselves stopping walking, his hands wrapped around my waist and my hands went to his shoulders. We were about to lock lips in the middle of the street when we were surprised by the honking of a horn, I looked over to the road to see Kyle's car had pulled up and he was rolling down the window. 

 "I'll give you two a ride," he shouted out to us. Wren rolled his eyes.

 "We're good thanks mate, do you mind?" He nodded down at the position we were in and I uncomfortably moved my hands from his shoulders.

 "Babe they're trying to fuck, leave them alone," Penny's whiney voice came from the car also and I groaned aloud. 

 "It's cold, just get in the car," he snapped at us.

 "If she gets cold I'll give her my jacket, just leave us alone for fucks sake!" Wren yelled at the car, Kyle glared at him for a moment but finally rolled the window back up and the car went speeding off. "Sorry for shouting."

 I nodded and pecked his lips before walking further down the road towards the house as the kissing moment had definitely passed. Wren caught up to me and threaded our fingers back together so we could continue to walk towards the house hand-in-hand.

 Soon enough we reached the house and immediately it seemed even busier than any of the parties that we had ever been to, there were groups of people already in the driveway drinking and laughing and I could already hear people yelling loudly in the garden. Wren lead me through the crowds of people outside and we reached the front door when some random teenager handed us shots of drink which we both accepted and drank before heading into the house.

 "Oh my god, you look smoking Essie!" Jenna greeted me with a kiss on the cheek and a massive bear hug. "Wren, you've bagged yourself a hottie," she winked at him and he laughed gently.

 "Damn right I have," he squeezed my waist and then saw some of his friends across the room. He pecked my cheek and told me he'd only be a few minutes before heading off to his friends, Jenna then hooked our arms together and lead me into the kitchen where she grabbed a red solo cup and opened the fridge to find me a drink as she was already holding one.

 She pulled out some cheap coke and filled the cup before then chucking in some Vodka, she stirred it and then passed the cup to me. I took a sip and immediately screwed my face up when I realised the taste of Vodka in the drink was stronger than I expected. "How are you and Wren going then?" She smirked at me, obviously wanting to get some gossip from me.

 "We're good, just going steady and slow," I nodded casually.

 "So no babies yet?" She winked at me and I slapped her arm.

 "No way!" I laughed and took a few more gulps of my drink. "What about you, bagged George yet?"

 "Done more than that my dear Esme," she bit her lip and I fake gagged at her. "Hey! We're both adults here, so let me tell you about the adult time me and him had-"

 "Oh my God Jenna stop!" I laughed aloud and covered my ears. Her and I continued bantering about her sex life until Wren wandered into the kitchen to find us. I had polished off two drinks in the time he was gone and was starting to see double.

 "Hi babe," Wren pecked my cheek and Jenna fake threw up in the bin. We both then exploded into childish giggles and I saw him roll his eyes with an amused smile. 

 "Shall we go find some games to play? I am so ready to get fucked tonight," Jenna slurred and then grabbed my hand. We both giddily walked out of the kitchen and into the living room where people were playing games and immediately she found Kyle's group and dragged me over, Wren slowly trailing behind us.

 Jenna flopped down on George's lap and I settled myself down next to a red headed girl who smiled Kindly at me when my bottom hit the carpeted floor. "Hi, I'm Shannon," the girl smiled.

 "Esme," I slurred slightly with a kind grin.

 Wren sat next to me and placed his hand on my knee as the game continued around us. "Jenna, truth or dare?" One of the boys in the circle asked her and she rubbed her chin jokingly for a second and then smirked.

 "Dare bitch," she took a massive swig of her drink.

 "Choose a girl and make out with her," he smirked to himself. I almost threw up in my mouth at the way he looked at her as if she was a piece of meat - why did guys always want to see girls kissing girls? Why was that a thing? Jenna obviously felt the same way as she rolled her eyes at him but nevertheless she stood up and sauntered over to me.

 "Hey girlfriend," she winked at me.

 "No tongue!" I laughed and accepted her kiss, it lasted only around ten seconds before I pulled away shaking my head and her laughing loudly. We were best friends and so kissing each other wasn't exactly sexy.

 "That was so hot," the guy cheered and Jenna shot him a glare.

 "Esme, truth or dare?" I looked over at Penny who was suddenly talking to me and I raised an eyebrow. 

 "Truth?" I asked and she sighed.

 "So boring as usual," she rolled her eyes. "What's the farthest you've gone with a guy?" She asked me with a smirk.

 I was confused for a moment, she knew I was a virgin because she mocked me all of the time so why was she asking? "She's only ever kissed someone, you know that," Wren piped up for me and I almost cringed when I remembered what I did with Kyle.

 I glanced over at Kyle who was avoiding my gaze at all costs, Penny was also smirking between him and I. Did she know? Did he tell her? "Come on then, aren't you going to tell us?" She egged me on.

 "Just tell her you've only kissed Esme," Wren whispered to me and I glanced back at Kyle.

 "This is so stupid, you're just trying to embarrass me as usual," I stood up and dusted myself off. "Please don't follow me Wren," I sighed and walked out of the room and onto the busy dance floor. I pushed through the crowds of people, narrowly avoiding drinks being spilled on me and people knocking me into me until I reached the outside of the house.

 I sucked in a deep breath of fresh air and then moved over to where people weren't and sat down on the half brick wall that surrounded the front garden. I glanced around at the people standing around and soon saw Kyle emerging from the groups of people and heading my way.

 He silently sat down next to me. "Did you tell her?" I asked him quietly and he laughed with a shake of his head.

 "No, I didn't. She keeps asking me what's happened with us because recently we've been acting odd but she knows nothing, she was just trying to get it out of you because she knows you're shy," he admitted to me. 

 I nodded. "Makes sense I guess."

 "Out of curiosity, have you just kissed Wren?" He asked me and I glanced up to meet his concerned gaze.

 "That's none of your business, he is my boyfriend after all," I kicked a pebble awkwardly and I felt Kyle shift next to me.

 "I just don't want him to take advantage of you," he said.

 "Like you did?" I laughed to myself. "You just need to stop worrying and stop caring, Kyle. Wren and I are happy and you blew your chance, why are you even here? Are you just trying to annoy me?" I sighed.

 "I didn't take advantage of you Esme!" He snapped and I flinched slightly. 

 "Then why didn't you want me?" I asked, completely revealing my vulnerability.

 "What?" He was shocked, very shocked.

 "Why did you kiss me and get intimate with me and then push me away like that? Why did you not want me?" I sighed and dropped my hands to my side.

 "What makes you think I don't want you?"

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