Without turning around I spoke "It's been a while Nero. So was it Venessa or Silas that sent you"

Nero was essentially supposed to be my mentor or something but with how much I rebelled against The Order I didn't exactly make his job easy. He has short white hair and wears the uniform of The Order, a blue cloak and some black clothes underneath.

"Neither, I came of my own accord" he said

"Ohhh~ you've finally stopped sucking my dad's dick and developed a will of your own" I said rolling my eyes irritated by his presence

"Why do you speak so ill of your parents, Young LN?" He asked

"Fuck you, You already know better than anybody in The Order why I talk about them like this" I said standing up and looking to him

He stayed silent and glared at me like a disappointed parent

"Why did you come here Nero?" I asked putting my hands in my hoodie pocket

"You've been getting close with a certain ...Fannus haven't you YN?" He said

"You know about that?!... *Sigh* Of course you know about that. Venessa and Silas wouldn't allow me to go somewhere that has fannus like Beacon without monitoring me" I said putting my head into my hand in a facepalm

"Actually Venessa and Silas aren't aware of your relationship with Mrs.Scarlatina" he said

"You know her name too huh? Well if it's not for Silas and Venessa then why did you learn about her" I said getting angrier and angrier

"I may be your mentor but I am still a member of The Order of Pure Blood and I don't like my pupil getting so close to a... Fannus" He said almost disgusted to say the word Fannus

"You do know I've never thought of you as my mentor, I've never cared about any member of The Order even Dear old mom and dad" I said sarcastically

"I wish for you to finally drop this foolish rebellion and leave the... Fannus you are so close to" He said again repulsed by acknowledging Fannus

I just laughed at him

He sighed "Tell me Young LN have you heard about the fannus in your school that was hurt badly for seemingly 'no reason'?"

"Yes. Just how much do you know about Beacon?"

"Unimportant. The point is I'm the reason. I used that fannus to make an example for you. I don't think you understand the lengths I will go to in order for you to stop this stupid rebellion. I used him to show you what I can do to Velvet if you d-" I cut him off there

I was sick of hearing him speak I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and stared into his eyes with a deep rage "If you lay a finger on her I'll rip you apart!" I commanded through gritted teeth and shoved him to the ground

"The Order May have raised me but if you so much as think about hurting the only people I truly care about then I won't hesitate to kill you!" I shout at him

"How disappointing." he said

I just glared at him

"I will be telling your parents of your treachery to The Order, you know this" he says as he gets up and dusts himself off

"You think I'm scared of my parents. I've never been intimidated by their shit!" I yell

"See you again Young LN"

"Just get back to kissing my parents asses or whatever the fuck it is you do" I said as he turns to smoke and dissipates

"...Bastards" I mumble

I walk back to my room and didn't get much sleep after that I was to worried about Velvet. I kept checking my scroll just in case she sent me a distress call. I eventually dowsed of getting a mere total of 2 hours of sleep before being woken up by Finn "Finn I'm not in the mood today!" I instantly snapped at him making my team jump

"What the hell YN?!" Finn said

"What's got you so on edge?" Aubrey asked

"Nero was here" was all I said as Finn and Lena gasped while Aubrey didn't know what was going on

"Who's Nero?" Aubrey asked

"He's basically the person in The Order that was assigned to be my mentor" I said

"They we're here!?" She shouted in a panic

I quickly stood up and hugged her "just the one and from the conversation we had they don't seem to know about you. And besides I'd never let them touch you even if they did know."

I signalled Lena over and let her take over Aubrey hug duty knowing Aubrey likes Lena more than me "So if they didn't threaten Aubrey then why did they come?" Finn asked

"They don't know about Aubrey but they sure as hell know about Velvet"

"No way"

"Yup he told me to leave her or they were gonna kill her. I declined his deal so I need you 3 to promise that you will help me defend her from them"

"I always like sticking it to those assholes" Aubrey said
"If Aubrey is in I'm in too" Lena said lightly blushing
"Yeah I already promised I would help you defend the one you loved so I'm in" Finn said

"Thanks guys" I said

Velvet Scarlatina X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now