6 - "Yeah, isn't he great?"

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*Melissa's POV*

Jonah was finally done. I took off my over clothes so that I was just in my swimsuit. Jack hadn't showed up with Gabbie yet but we all decided to get in the pool. Corbyn was already under the water and swimming laps. Daniel held my hand and we jumped in together. Zach got in and went under. His hair stuck to his forehead. Then Jonah also jumped in.

"Ruin my lap swimming time?! Shame on you guys!" Corbyn laughed and splashed Jonah.

"Relax," Zach said and splashed Corbyn. Then Corbyn splashed Zach. Then Daniel splashed Corbyn. Then we all just started splashing each other. It was so crazy that there was just water flying everywhere and you didn't know who was splashing you or who you were splashing.

"Hey boys," some girl said.

We all stopped and looked over at the edge of the pool. Then I saw Starbucks girl. The one who had flirted with Jack at Starbucks the day he told me he was leaving for tour. I just stood there with my mouth hanging open. So, this was Gabbie?!

"Hi, Gabbie," all the boys said in unison. Except for Jack who was also staring at me with his mouth open. Apparently no one had told him I was coming.

"What the hell?" Jack asked and pointed to me.

"I invited her Jack, it's cool," Daniel replied and put his arm around me.

"Hey, I know you! You were with Jack when he came into Starbucks that one day!" Gabbie said excitedly and smiled at me. I gave a weak smile back, still trying to process everything. Gabbie did a perfect dive in the pool and then came over to me.

"Nice to know I'm not the only girl," Gabbie laughed.

"Yeah," I hesitantly nodded my head.

"So, are you with Daniel?" Gabbie asked me and nodded to Daniel who had left my side. I wanted Daniel to come back over here so I wouldn't be all awkward. He had left though and him and Jack were arguing.

"Depends on what you mean by 'with'," I replied. Gabbie giggled a little. I hadn't said anything funny so I was confused.

"Are you guys dating?" Gabbie asked.

"No, well not officially. It's complicated. We went on a date but we're not on an official relationship with labels," I explained.

"I see," Gabbie nodded her head.

"So, you and Jack, huh?" I asked.

"Yeah, isn't he great?" Gabbie smiled, "It's so different with him. I've had other guys but Jack brings out a new side in me. I really like the side that Jack brings out."

Gabbie was one of those girls that you stand by and feel instantly insecure about yourself. She was skinny, tan, pretty, and every other word that described a perfect girl. I wrapped my arms around my stomach because I was feeling insecure.

"So, Starbucks?" I asked her then because I really didn't know what else to talk about. I was hoping one of the boys would notice and come over to me.

"I quit two weeks ago. Realized the coffee business wasn't for me. I want to start being a photographer or one of those instagram models," Gabbie shrugged. Her cheeks were a little pink, probably from telling me about what she wanted to.

"Are you good with a camera?" I asked her.

"It's been said," she nodded.

"That's cool," I nodded.

"How long have you known Jack and the boys?" Gabbie asked.

"I've known Jack for years. We've been friends for a long time. I've known the boys since they started becoming a band," I explained.

"They're great guys. I love all of them," Gabbie smiled.

Someone then picked me up from the back and held me in the air. Jonah. He did this every time I came over to their house and were in the pool.

"Jonah! I swear!" I yelled and hit his arms which were around my stomach.

"Jonah? May want to rethink that," the person holding me laughed. They had caught me by surprise. It was Zach.

"Zachary!" I screamed, hitting his arms again.

"Good job, Zach! She was totally fooled!" Jonah laughed from behind us.

Zach set me down. I turned around and hit his shoulder. He laughed then went back over to Jonah. Daniel then jumped into the water and came over to me. He was smiling, odd for just arguing with Jack.

"Okay, Melissa, let's have fun and not worry about any of the things going on right now," Daniel told me.

I nodded and then splashed him. He laughed and then splashed me back. Then Corbyn splashed Daniel. Then we were all just splashing each other again, this time with Jack and Gabbie. All the tension that had been there earlier was gone.

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