18 - "Please don't hate me for this"

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**A/n: This chapter made me so excited when writing it and I honestly am just in love with it. I'm just going to let you read it because IT IS SO GOOD. anywayyy, byeee**

*Melissa's POV*

I was at home reading a book. I usually don't read but Gabbie still wasn't returning my texts and I doubt Daniel is up yet because of staying up so late with the party. I had texted Christina but her and Corbyn were going out on a date so that didn't workout either.

I flipped through another page of the book that was so boring I was so close to falling asleep. Then someone knocked on the door. My first thought was Christina and maybe she was surprising me. Then I opened the door and saw Jack. Instantly I was confused.

"Hey, Mel, can I come in?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, you look a lot better today," I told him as I let him in. He had a black eye and his jaw was a light purple but he looked a lot more relaxed which was good.

"I feel a lot better," Jack smiled.

"Anyway, what's up?" I asked.

"Umm," Jack rubbed the back of his neck.

"You want to sit down?" I asked.

"That'd be great," Jack nodded.

We both walked over to the couch in my living room and sat down. Jack looked particularly fancy. He usually wears band shirts for Nirvana or Metallica or stuff like that but he wasn't. He was wearing a light blue button up shirt and jeans. He set his hands in his lap and let out a long sigh.

"You have something to tell me?" I asked confused.

"Yeah, yeah I do," Jack admitted.

"Then tell me," I smiled.

"Please don't hate me for this," Jack said.

"Hate you for what?" I asked.

"For what I'm about to say," Jack replied and looked me in the eyes, "But first I have to explain some things."

I nodded and looked at him confused. What the heck was going on?

"Melissa, the fight yesterday, what do you think it was about?" Jack asked.

"That girl you were talking to at the party yesterday," I replied. That's what Christina had told me and when I thought about it, it made sense.

"I could care less about whatever the fuck her name is," Jack told me, "The fight was about you and just girls in general. I wouldn't have gotten involved though if they just wouldn't have said anything about you."

"What'd they say about me?" I asked.

"They said that they wanted to have sex with you and stuff. It was just so messed up. You have a b-boyfriend. And I got so caught up in the moment I guess. They basically said you, the limelights, and all girls are sluts. I got so mad I just wanted to punch the shit out of him," Jack explained.

"Really? That's so nice of you," I said.

"There's more. Can you just please be quiet?" Jack asked.

I nodded my head and looked at Jack. I thought maybe that had been all.

"I broke up with Gabbie, it wasn't mutual. I broke up with her. I don't like her. It may have taken a while to realize it but I don't. She was pissed when I explained to her why. You wonder why she wont' answer your texts or your phone calls and it's because of me. It's because of what's been happening to me and what I'm realizing," Jack said. After saying all that he looked me in the eyes.

I nodded for him to go on and he sighed. He rubbed his eyes with his hands and then continued.

"I-I. God! Mel, promise you won't hate me?" Jack asked.

"I promise," I nodded.

"I'm fucking in love with you. There, I said it," Jack said.

My brain stopped working. I just stared at Jack. This was real? Was this really happening? He picked up his shirt collar in between two of his fingers and rubbed the fabric. I was still trying to process this all.

"Just please don't hate me and please don't tell Daniel," Jack stood up. He looked at me one last time and then walked out the door. I still sat there, unable to function properly. I needed to talk to someone who wasn't Daniel and wasn't Jack. Christina was busy and Gabbie was pissed at me. Since I had no life outside of Why Don't We, I would have to talk to another boy in the band.

I picked up my phone and called Zach. As it was ringing I was still trying to process what was happening.

"Hey, Melissa, what's up?" Zach's cheerful voice replaced the ringing.

"Can you come over? Right now? Just you?" I asked.

"Uhh, yeah. Yeah, sure. I'll be there in a bit," Zach sounded a little surprise.

"Thanks," I said and then hung up the phone. I threw it on the couch and put my hands over my eyes. There was only two thoughts in my head:

1. I love Jack too.

2. How would I tell Daniel?

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