"I missed you." Liam mumbled against Bridget's lips

"Me or this?" Bridget asked as her hands slid down his chest towards his little friend.

"You and that."


By the time they were done making up for not seeing each other in three months, they managed to get showered and met up with the boys, Eleanor, and Perrie. The boys and Bridget decided to take Liam out to play a little bit of football to celebrate before they went anywhere else. The stadium was huge and full of fans that could be heard screaming but they group was having a blast, not really caring about the fans. After spending some time doing that, Liam and Bridget decided to go for a walk with Paul who walked a little ways ahead to give them space.

"I'm really happy that you surprised me." Liam said as he and Bridget walked hand in hand.

"I'm happy that you're happy." Bridget replied as she looped her arm around Liam's. "I hadn't seen you in a long time and I felt it best to surprise you."

"I'm really surprised. Plus, I missed being with you and the bed always felt empty without you." Bridget didn't respond and Liam could tell something was up and that she was hiding something. "Babe, what's wrong?"

"Danielle, she keeps coming around and won't back off. She even went on to twitter saying that were fighting and close to breaking up." Liam felt his blood boiling and his heart start pumping. He was getting irritated with Danielle doing this. Liam had Paul drive him and Bridget back to the hotel where he instantly got on twitter. He instantly got pissed when he saw what Danielle wrote.


The fights continue. He will be back with me.

There was quite a bit of responses to the tweets like finally, I can't wait for Payzer again and god they are hopeless.

"Babe, come here." Liam said looking up at Bridget. She walked over to him and without warning, he roughly kissed her lips and took a picture of it. Then he hurriedly put it on twitter.


Bridget is the most beautiful person in the world. I love her more than life itself and nothing will ever change my mind @Bridget_Reed


I love you too!

Liam looked up to see Bridget smiling down at him and he smiled. He pulled her down in his lap and he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her against his chest. They sat there in quiet because they were so happy that they both confessed their love for each other on twitter showing everybody that nothing was gonna pull them apart. Not even their pasts.

"I told you, Bridget, you mean the world to me and she means nothing to me." Liam said finally letting Bridget go.

"I know. I trust you." Bridget replied as she sat down next to him. "Oh, wait a second. I wanna give you something. It's a present I was supposed to give you tomorrow but I couldn't wait.

"Oh god." Liam heard Bridget giggle as she pulled a box out from under the bed. She handed it to Liam and watched as he opened. Liam smiled at what he saw was in the box. He pulled a shirt out that had a picture of him and Bridget on the front and then on the back was a picture of them as babies. "This is amazing, babe. Thank you."

"You're welcome. I didn't know for sure what you wanted so I had my Aunt make this for you. I have the same shirt but in a different size. Look in the box causes there's one more." Liam pulled out another shirt and read the writing under another picture of him and Bridget.

I don't care if your famous. I love you for who are and the way you are. I always will be in love with you, my big teddy bear.

Liam smiled when he was done reading it. He even had tears threatening to spill but he kept them from coming out.

"I love you so freaking much." Liam said and pulled Bridget towards him and kissed her again.

"So that means you like it?" She asked.

"I love it. What is it really that made you fall for me, besides being your friend?"

"I don't know. I guess just the fact that you were always a really nice person to me and you were always there when I need you. Then I realized I wanted more."

"I'm so glad that you're mine. Without you, I'd probably go insane, babe."

"It's good that we got together then." Liam smiled and pecked her cheek.

"So how long are you staying for?" Liam put his hand in Bridget's and she leaned her head on his shoulder.

"I don't know. I packed my bags for a month or so. I guess it just depends on what everybody wants."

"I want you to stay as long an as you want or can. I love being able to wake up to your beautiful face in the morning and I'll be even more happy than I usually am."

"Then I guess I'll stay as long as you want me to. I hated being alone and away from you anyway. I mean I had the dogs taking up your side of the bed but I was missing you." Liam chuckled and kissed her forehead. They heard the sound of thunder and the rain started pouring down. "Looks like we're not going anywhere."

"That's okay. We can sit here and cuddle some more." They heard a knock on the door and both of them groaned at the same time. Bridget slid out of the bed and peeked through the hole. It was Harry.

"What's up, Harry?" Bridget asked after opening the door.

"Can I ask you something?" Harry asked nervously.

"Yeah, Liam I'll be back." Bridget closed the door behind her and stood out in the hall with Harry. "What's going on?"

"Okay. There's this girl that for some reason, I really, really like. But I don't know how talk to her."

"You talk to girls all the time. Why is now different?"

"Because I really like her. The way I feel about her is different than any other time."

"Start off by saying something like 'hi, how were you', get to know her a little bit. Maybe this time you'll keep a girlfriend longer."

"Thanks Bridget."

Stress Comes Again (#2)- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now