Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"What's that on your neck?" My dad asked. I cant believe I was getting caught. I mean how did I not see that I was marked? I mean its right there.

And Jordan. Why wouldn't he tell me? I mean didn't he see me when we left? If he did it on purpose I'm going to kill him.

"Uhh what?" I asked playing dumb. Gosh I hope he'll just let this thing blow over.

"I said what's that on your neck?" He repeated getting a closer look at me. Im so dead.

I had to think of something, fast too. I looked up at my neck confusingly and smiled. "Oh this? Oh when I was flat ironing my hair I burned myself, thats all."

At that time I thanked the Lord for blessing me with long hair. I guess my dad bought it because he just shrugged.

"Oh. I thought it was that something else because if it was, we would have some problems." He stated while getting up.

I just nervously laughed. "Haha dad your so funny." I frowned and then grinned.

"Well Im tired. Im going to sleep. See you later." He gave me a kiss on the forehead and started back to his room.

"Bye dad!" I smiled and changed the channel to Teen Wolf. My favorite show.

He just waved and went to his room.

I was watching t.v for a couple minutes until I heard my phone play Latch-Disclosure ft. Sam Smith meaning I just got a call. It was Jordan.

From that stunt he just played I was definitely going to tell him off.

I answered the phone and lowered the t.v's volume.

"Hey babygirl." He said in a cheery voice. I just rolled my eyes.

"What?" I said an harsh voice. He was definitely going to pay for what he did.

"Whoa. What did I do this time?" He asked confused. Clueless.

"What you did was give me a hickey and didn't tell me. My dad found out and I had to lie and tell him it was from a straightener burn." I whispered yelled and turned of the t.v and went to my room.

There was a few moments of silence until he bursted into laughter.

"And why the hell are you laughing?" I yelled in confusion.

"Because- because you got- got caught by your dad!" He was laughing in between words.

"And how is that funny?" I spat irritation. Why was this so funny to him?

"I didn't think I would mark you. Well, damn I'm good. You probably looked like you just did it with that on you!" Then he erupted with laughter again.

Shoot me with a gun over and over again.

"Its not funny." I said getting even more pissed.

"Aww your so cute. I was just playing around." He said while sighing in content. Oh how he gets me mad at times. I was quiet for a while until he broke the silence.

"But you liked it." He said and I could tell he was smiling cockily.

"Like what?" I asked with my eyebrows knitting in confusion.

"Me kissing all up on your neck." This boy is delusional.

"No I didn't." I lied. Of course I wasn't going to admit that I liked it.

"Sure. But you were moaning my name the whole time." He said like he definitely knew I liked it. I just started to cover my ears and squeal.

"Eww no I didnt! Your disgusting!" I said disgusted. This is such a weird topic for me and he knows it.

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